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The cent of superiority.
"100,000 strong horses dash about of dint, quite good, unexpectatively just the self-discipline arrive the fourth heavy magical power, have so high strong power.General magical power four heavy, comprehend yin and yang, the power is also between 561000, you are to once take what miracle drug wonder drug?"
That mysterious person's voice informed again.
Five heavy magical powers, "nature and man territory", just have ten thousand horses dash about of dint, four heavy yin and yang territories, generally is 561000.But three heavy Gang spirit territory, then be 1,000-3,000.
Two weigh a true spirit territory, then 300-800.
The first is heavy, then 80 strong horses arrive 23100.
The square is cold in now, own 100,000 strong horses dash about of the dint is really a difference number, even this mysterious persons have to be getting more surprised.The dint of 100,000 strong horses has already approached the superior of gold Dan power.However there is far and far no the quality of superior's power of gold Dan.
The superior of gold Dan power quality is really too high, use 10,000 horsepowers, can defeat square's 100,000 cold horsepowers.After all differ three state, can not climb.
"The younger generation once took method saint Buddhist relics."The square is cold don't conceal as well:"The Shu still used to place a substitute by subterfuge once transplanted black water Wang She's all powers."
"Method saint Buddhist relics?This kind of Dan medicine but no trivial matter.Need then the superior of gold Dan origin can refine success.Your fortuitous isn't small, as for the Shu placed a substitute by subterfuge, that must emit 1-day-old risk.You are eager to so begging?Want to revenge."The mysterious person guesses very quasi-.
"Is quite good, because I and a person have through decade it invite, and that person is already a magical power now ten heavy of superior, of decade, I am to fly to also rush through however he."The square is cold China sky all and own gratitude and grudge said 1 time, again the orthodoxy of teachings that all once got dish Wu Xian Zun in China sky, own an affair of machine also said out, anyway in this big palace, being also carefree must what stuff.2 people all surround, it may be said is connect with life.
"?Is more and more interesting, while still having no self-discipline to magical power secret place, do you dare to challenge such person?Dish Wu Xian Zun, that is also a great ability, although don't can become immortal, the power is high strong, is also the person of highest rank in the yellow big world in the Xuan before ten thousand years.The person who gets his orthodoxy of teachings is how arrogant, my pouring is an imagination to get."
Mysterious person ha ha on smiling, pour is feel square cold to is really courageous.
"Thank elder generation applause."
"Like, your life dollar just only 900 years, lead one young year, however I just helped you 1.The province went to for your minimal more than 100 years of the bitterness fix, you before make progress too quickly, at key of time comprehend, will cost a big effort.Slowly not the ability inch enter, must notice this hereafter.I pour to hope that you hurry self-discipline to nature and man territory, and then increase for 800 years, life dollar, can live more some time, go along with me to talk.In case is very quick and then die."
The mysterious person seems is feel tired:"Like, you you's self-discipline, have what fix for the place of meeting the difficulty, can ask me."
"What a guy, there is such a person at, bear comparison with to go to heaven as a fairy a Zhang to teach a fairy to teach you in person."The Yan claps claw son, " sees the hope that takes off to trap to us, also on this person."
"I just did into a yin and yang territory and needed Wen Yang very long period of time, just can the self-discipline arrive top, however O.K., have plenty of time."It is square a little bit cold to nod.
According to the truth, broke state, fixed for the water mill achievement that is one inch inch, the yin and yang territory wants to greatly become, don't want long-term with meticulous care cook chain can not
After the cold square was forced into "too dollar fairies abode", go to heaven as a fairy a door, also brought about controversy.
Go to heaven as a fairy paradise, Xing set in the sky.
Xing elder in the sky, the nature's work elder, Dan elder in the sky, spreads achievement elder, book elder in the sky, crane elder in the skyThe etc. of the etc.The big elder of group, the big tycoons all remit to gather 1.
These elders are all magical power nine weigh ten heavy superiors, way the method is limitless, immensely resourceful, among them Xing elder in the sky, more already step to go into long living a secret place.Control penalty, living to kill big power.
This strength, good enough to with stir world sparse Ba Lan.Go to heaven as a fairy a door the Kui isn't an of world, one of the ten greatest fairies way groups, the real strenght is strong terrible.
Square pure snow, China sky all waits true oral tradition pupil, now all in the Xing hall in sky, face these elders,google, state the process of affair.2 people attackstone mutually.
"Xing elder in the sky, China sky all persecutes to death a square cold, make me go to heaven as a fairy a door and lose a genius, the genius is rare.China sky is all my head of parties true oral tradition pupil, should be like an elder brother general, take good care of everybody younger brother Shi, but he didn't do so, but relied on magical power power to bully docile, snuffed out genius and had no the elder brother's.Please dispose of."
The orotund iciness of square pure snow.
"China sky all, you have what can contradict?Square cold this son is really to achieve a pleased person, incredibly can the shot kill seven leaf evil gentleman, win evil knife blood blue sky, more with one action use five jail Wang Ding arrest too a six greatly true persons, this undertaking is the power and prestige that consumedly grew my door."Xing elder in the sky, facial expression for instance pure snow is all colder, looking at China for sky.
The big elders of surroundings all exchange a look in the eyes mutually.
For square cold do of affair, they also feel an in the mind to heart's content.Too an influence is too strong, nearer year of more and more arbitrary and domineering, power unexpectedly have the unification fairy the way, these elder not appear publicly to snuff out them, but the square is a cold the very small pupil snuff out, is the most suitable to match however.
And the square is cold to get two magic weapons, all tremendous evil power treasure, if bring into to go to heaven as a fairy a door, that again want to increase many real strenght.All a brain pays east to flow, really is a heartache now.
"I pour not to want to contradict with square younger sister Shi, however square younger sister Shi say square cold good, I pour is make a person come out and square younger sister Shi contradict for a while."China sky all stays calm and collecteds, once the handle knob flick, a breeze curls up, several individuals are from the outside book come in, is an incredibly square pure Wei, Xiao stone, leaf south sky, the original sword gets empty four and the square is cold to have life and death of big enemy of inside pupil in the door.
"Square pure Wei, you said, is the square cold to is a good person or a bad person?Pure snow younger sister Shi is your elder sister, think necessarily you can't say leave words, you also went an overseas this time, the square is cold how the evil spirit is very bad, you say."China sky all the means is severe, incredibly lift out square pure Wei, and square pure snow contradict, this recruits, just as you please is who didn't say.
"Square cold this son, the evil is deeply heavy, the self-discipline is evil achievement, completely lawless and godless, and kill everywhere, with those have no where is the difference!Elder sister, you never be been cold by the square to cheat to, otherwise is only an our house the slave that keeps a horse with his original identity, why fix for will make progress so quickly?Affirmation is the elder of evil door, the induction gives him evil achievement."
The square pure Wei saw one eye elder sister, have a little hesitant, but again took aim to take aim China for sky all, the courage strengthened, the voice talking is more and more big.
"Are you to so talk with me?"Square pure snow one face cold frost.
"Elder sister, this affair not I fabricate, Xiao stone!You are lucky to see arrive so many elders today, you said your ineradicable hatred?"The square pure Wei is getting more eloquent.
The Xiao stone kept on kneeling all of a sudden and wailed aloud to weep aloud:"Everybody elder, you want to make decision for me, square cold wolf sub- greed, killed my father, now, I that also doesn't know in the mother of lovely blessing ground self-discipline, if she knew, don't know will be sad to become what appearance!The square is cold this is to intentionally provoke me to go to heaven as a fairy relationship with lovely blessing ground in the door!"
Not lord in the night island, Xiao not the night was the father of Xiao stone, been cold by the square to kill.
This enemy is naturally absolutely irreconcilable.
"This matter" Xing elder in the sky originally also regretted deeply to lose cold this talented person of square, but China sky all the means is brilliant, oneself didn't talk and let a few small generation talk, particularly an among those, is still the younger sister of square pure snow.This affair not say.
No matter how it is, China sky all all had a reason word and plused his identity special.The power is high strong, is not very at will either to blame.
"Xing in the sky sees come to this matter, it is can hardly for you to make firm decision!

