
beats by dre solo tness of a day star

After the circumstance, Ma Jun worries to reduce for several cents, now is already many at 9:00 a.m., ten spread fairy already and together gather Buddhas all, Wang Jia Bao all superior elite with ten spread in person spreading of the fairy pupil just in the Buddhas all each corner carries on a carpet type of hunt for, Buddha all the sky, several armed helicopters and patrol craft match with ground troops, the scale by long odds peace and health is one service.
But in the camel City out of a long distance, the big Ao starts revolution revolution to arouse to fight positive Han and garrison the Royal army in the camel City ninth teacher two troopses of regiments have already been eaten up half the number by the tiger Wei soldier of the dragon of Yao Kun, camel police and army and police death and harm greater half, camel downtown 70% of districts already drive Ao clan the troops capture and succeed at at present.
Now fight the most violent place is two Zu shots to order, jade Hong big bridge and clear Jing camel National Freeway line toll-gate the Silk Road long gallery and clear Jing go to camel northwest frontier system sheep ascent of Gao Dian Niu, from this morning 6:00 starts, both parties have been handing over fire till now, severals of the green boat country increasing to aid troops always doesn't can stand into one meter, this is three times the proudest of the most excited 1:00 for Ma Jun, successively issue order camel downtown the elite troops increases to aid these, three Zu shots order and increase to send heavy weapons to strengthen thermodynamic power, BE;The independent liberation of camel City wins time.
The green boat country northwest air base starts out three battleplanes to carry on to the camel City air stroke, be shotted down by the missile corps of cold river's big wave a , rest 2 escapes, the air threatens cancellation and lets the whole camel volunteer army spirit greatly flap.
Is green the frontier is on-line, five lines of departments slowly Xu east, morning sun first the head sharp knife troops be had already cleared to garrison frontier on-line two green boats in 50 kilometers connect brigade, the eastern military advance of cold surprised big wave has already got into before hour in the half green inside the frontier, is speding now the soldier rushes through to the camel City, the guided missile of cold river's big wave trip first the head brigade have already arrived camel suburban round far No.9789 of 20 kilometers of the oil well is deploying a guided missile car, and at be apart from area in city the south the camel Heng altar mountain the grass set up a radar station.
Seven helicopter cent brigades wearing to give to lead arrive camel downtown in 5:00 A.M. time, and is establishing a temporary conductor department in the god of fire avenue of camel City, made contact at the Yao Kun, adjusted to send the place that the hand needs to be solved toward each one to increase to aid,beats by dre solo.
Ma Jun gets these report of successes, the excitement in heart is hard to express, don't dare the gist, quick of sorting way of thinking after, make contact with cold surprised big wave, hear the next move of cold surprised big wave battle project, in brief explained own viewpoint, finally say:"The concrete circumstance hands over to you the full power to be responsible for a processing, there is the place tube to need a help seeking me, the situation in nowadays is very beneficial to us, big leader meeting detailed battle project will on the time in noon to you spread in the past, stood for me."
Just let go of a telephone, cold blood of voice ring out at after death, Ma Jun turned head, favour to cold blood salute, cold blood lived Ma Jun, smile say:"I came back a night."
Ma Jun Hei's Hey smiles to say:"Not and late, the positive that time waits."
Cold blood from wrap in touched a pack of smoke passed to Ma Jun, Ma Jun is at present a bright, took out smoke, fierce take out severals, smile to say:"Or the little lord know my idea, I almost half an hour didn't smoke."
The cold blood smiles to say:"This is a sky, star makes me take for you."
When Ma Jun looking at the star that the cold blood starts to talk about a sky, on the face that unnatural air, smile sneer, say:"Military adviser, the Kui small E reported little lord love star in the sky?"
Cold-blooded face a red, nod to say:"H'm, yes, I am just wanting to say for you."
Ma Jun smiles to say:"Does that little lord like star in a sky?"
Cold-blooded Leng Leng, foolish the half ring and order:"I am a man, I want the star to the sky to be responsible for, but I ……I am afraid that precious jade in the sky knows, at that time I really is ……."
Ma Jun nods, the low voice says:"This matter I have already paid a meeting Kui small E, this matter absolutely can't spread to precious jade the imperial concubine is there, star in the sky can get the love of little lord, is also her blessing cent."
Cold blood long urge an one breath, smile to say:"Thus I trusted."
Ma Jun says:"Little lord, our time is few, for canning not let the external world be suspicious, can discommode you."
The cold blood nods:"I once thought as well, I am in this temple tenth, sky, if don't get hurt, affirmation is to say not past."
Ma Jun smiled to smile and said:"Now the treasure here's hiding has already been moved by us to get empty, I intentionally leave some is this cist exhumation of result, today and tomorrow, the weather a turn well, study of ancient relics brigade affirmation meeting down look for a little lord, when the time comes, we of the plan have finally come to completion."
The cold blood nods:"Like, you tell me how to do."
The cold blood removes the skin mask of own person and hands over to Ma Jun, Ma Jun also accepts good oneself to along with take of material, to cold blood farewell, the cold blood unwilling to partly seizes firmly Ma Jun's hand, forthcoming respectively, the canthus is moist.Ma Jun Di says:"After waiting camel autonomous region to establish, the little lord can move to go there and see the property that we beat down by ourselves."
The cold blood nods to say:"Is matchless, you took good care of."
The voice of Ma Jun Su should be, turn round to leave.
The cold blood cautiously checked for a while the decoration of temple after needing Ma Jun to walk, not from must respect and admire to add to Ma Jun's ability, tour complete, the cold blood is from the ground ten rise a few awl Biaos and three feather arrowses inserted their each parts of oneself's body respectively and endured the ache of drilling the heart and stretched hand and absorb come one handle steel the knife is on oneself, on the hand and the legs rowed to count knife, again used a handle long the gun pierced through his/her own better arm, winked, the cold blood then became one bloody, grind teeth lived to wildly flow out of blood, the right Zhang was made an effort to blow the blood of ground stem, carry achievement floated to fly, came to return time to walk inside the temple at the ground several time, let the blood drip each corner of everywhere temple.
After ending, the plan according to Ma Jun, equanimity of lie on the ground temple Ling inside the temple, use turtle interest achievement get into dormancy status, oneself is a pair of veins and accompany now of big respected master, this the flesh wound can't harm and arrive vitality, shut worthy of a look, brain inside again present young and delicate softness of a day star of body, oneself and sky star through after several times reveling, 2 people are all utterly exhausted, hug for a sky, once star feel wake up is already 9:00 a.m., bosom medium of sky star like a gentle lamb, the jade hangs up his/her own neck, the whole a Jiao Qu tightly Wei depend on in own bosom, Ying the jade face of the Ying up take how many red and dizzy and one silk sweet and contented smiling face, the cold blood cannot helps but kissing and suddenly sees the radar form in the hand and returns to absolute being and springs up a while.
Star in the sky wakes up with a start from the in a dream and sees again, also panic absolute being, the favour serves cold blood to wear good clothes and faces to walk, 2 people are again attentive a burst of, just very unwilling to part withly leave.Thought of here, the cold-blooded in the mind suddenly had the negative offense feeling of a kind of regret, oneself the wrong pair of day star regarded as precious jade in the sky under the circumstance of confused state of mind and descended thus absurd matter, feel oneself the I am sorry star in the sky unclearly, let for a sky down more, precious jade, but heart in have another voice is saying:"Star in the sky very good, really good, I can not get there in the precious jade in sky of, stars in the sky all gave I, I am a man, a sky, the little lord of star, I want to do a man and little lord for being responsible, I will give the star honor and duties for a sky."

Chapter 22 opens the Jiang Tuo soil section 1 and sees depend on

The entertain foolish ideas of full brain didn't realize mistake how many times as well, the cold-blooded Tu ground opened an eye, he heard a burst of and in great disorder step voice, whole footworks that is the common run of people, the voice is gradually near, after several minutes, on tying shining irradiation on the cold-blooded face, the cold blood groans a , the body moved to move, a voice is shouting loudly:"Found out him, had already found out him."
Is close behind, more than ten strong lights fall on the cold-blooded body, someone is shouting loudly:"He is still on the hoof, he is still on the hoof, call quickly the above of rescue personnel the preparation rescue."
The cold-blooded in the mind is inwardly funny, but oneself in nowadays is an on the brink of death severely wounded, which dare break into laughter voice come, allow to give first-aid a personnel to he or she arbitrarily BE, but oneself an on every occasion.
A short while, all over up and down tie up the cold blood of full gauze finally at weigh once after ground every ten days, take off to trap to living a sky, double the eye is covered up of the cold blood heard an earthquake for sky of war whoop, heard China in the sky, soft jade in the sky purely cries to shout a voice and heard the Si Hao that the Dan always teach:"Find out clear Zu ground Related articles:

