
cheap beats by dre the first then very

This is what everyone of us would not like to see."
Chen Lin Hu certainly understands, on the first say of in the meaning that we set alight a battle fire on the national territory, two sail mothers in the United States fight cluster and own the battle airplane of 200 near forerunners, and up to thousand cruise missiles, even if is that they don't dare to send troops to carry on with us one place noodles war, but if making use of air to fight that is in a mess.The circumlittoral city necessarily will suffer serious wound, the capital city will be also been placed to their stroke scopes inside.
Once appearing this circumstance, the China race will suffer the devastation of a blood and fire again, several 10-year reform open of the economic achievement will pay east to flow, also talk more not ascend race of renew big industry.Chen Lin Hu feels be like to carry on the back Tashan, is so heavy, juncture face life and death alive or dead, is a with protect a Wei the country for oneself allow of soldier, a sense of responsibility of mightiness surged forward at heart.
"Please trust, two cannon is Central Military Commission to directly direct of troops, we have already worked well the whole preparation and promise the satisfactory success of this military exercise, I sign toward the soldier Wei military command-like in shape, if appear any mistake, I will lift head to see!"
Ordered to nod on the first, from the underwear pocket in took out a piece of paper, pass to Chen Lin Hu:"This is the drill to prepare a project, also an extremely airtight order, is limited by your a person to control."
Chen Lin Hu once connected this to orderany one one mouthful air conditioner of see, pouring to absorb, on the paper although only a few very short words, include of contents but the importance for being very but again extensive, this order is to prepare after the military exercise fails should to the project.
"Lin Hu comrade, although we don't have a person to hope to see this order to be carried out,we always need to work well the worst plan and have what difficulty you can put forward to me now, once you left this office, the whole responsibilities will be undertaken by you."
Chen Lin Hu stood and seriously said:"Please trust, I am still that sentence, if drill not successful, I will lift head to see."
Take leave to come out on the first, Chen Lin Hu took car inside, and then the seeing 1 time orderany for his end on the first, then very carefully folded to put into own underwear pocket, he absolutely has confidence now and give finally on the first this order of his is to absolutely use not last.
Two cannons orderany according to the center and quickly started an anti- sail mother drill prepare a case, according to ex- several times of drill circumstance to see, east breeze two guided missiles have already completely had shot to sink a sail the mother fight the ability of cluster, but see for the sake of insurance, Lin Hu still orderanies troops at east the breeze mix up a few eastern breezes in two guided missiles three, according to his analysis, these guided missile once shoot go out, not be saying to is two sail mother's combatses, be once come three five also absolutely make them have to don't return.
Although the center designates as an of emissive guided missile types just this time and 2, don't also say to forbid to use 3, in this time, Chen Lin Hu will make at 1:00 up had the floret that there is counterplan under the policy to recruit, only his this floret recruits to have no other purposes, mainly is in consideration of the destiny of nation and race, the weapon since makes to come out that be use of, hide in the pocket don't take out and how can display his power?Since want awe American guy, that shows them severe, China of cutthroat Mao power actually have much big.
The chief of staff Wei's roll of thunder interrupted contemplating of Chen Lin Hu:"Commander, imitating the fleet has already approached to practice district."
"Deliver the appearance to the satellite and adjust and imitate fleet directions."
The chief of staff pointed the huge monitor of pointing the left side,
2,688 chapters have excellent prospects
The dinner drank the fleet commander of two cup Lang Mu wines blue gold major general,cheap beats by dre, pleasing station at aviation warship bridge outside of curving corridor up, sea breeze face to slowly blow, looking at tidy alignment is flying a row of deck to line up a big wasp fighter jet, peep out a satisfied smile on the face.(_)
For carry out this task, go to fleet commander on American government troops, descend go to a common water soldier, all think to is routine public affairs, who don't also think, here in the world and someone dare with strong American the sail mother's combat*hand.
Carl the text aircraft carrier Sen is the 80's in last century enters water, with U.S. Congress councilman, Carl, the name of the text Sen assign name to, the serial number CVN70, belong to pit power sail the mother is American navy"Ni rice" class sail mother of 3rd, all grow more than 330 rices, load down the displacement as more than 90,000 tons, sail soon is 30 sections.
Two year ago Carl?The text sail mother of Sen carried on from undergo military service replace fuel and accept an overall modernization of system to refit for the very first time.After being this time to refit, it will also continue to undergo military service for more than 20 years.According to know, Carl?The text Sen is already the third accept is modern to refit of Ni rice the class pit power sail mother.
Carry out together with text sail mother of Sen of Carl the aircraft carrier horoscope(Constellation) of this task is constructed by navy's shipyard in New York, undergo military service in 60's in last century, also the last normal regulations in the United States power sail mother, the performance finishes this task to also withdraw current.
Don't see this is a normal regulations power sail a mother, but the weapon system is also very good at 1:00 and 80 F14 FA18"big wasp" fight to attackstone machine, besides which, , also have the EA6 the Bs"go back and forth" electronic combat airplane, the E2 Cs"eagle eye" early-warning machine, the S3"pirate" antisubmarine airplane, but say is in addition to power system some margins outside, in other respect the slightest be also no more inferior to than Carl text Sen sail mother.
The communication officer walked to come over:"Report general, horoscope sail mother the commanding officer wheat card Si brigadier general hair come to news, because the sail mother of horoscope takes place mechanical trouble, will can not press to fix a time to rush through come with we will with."
"Damn of horoscope arrive turning point wrong, see to navy's department make him withdraw current still correct of, only so become us alone and get into south china sea."
The communication officer hesitated some say:"Perhaps we was south china sea also not likely to get into, the navy battles black root of a minister general hair to orderany, requesting can not get into south china sea 500 kilometers in the district in."
"Because the China military authority declares at south china sea the district hold a large-scale anti- sail mother military exercise, for ensuring that American sail mother fights the safety of cluster, any battle vessel and airplanes can not get into to practice district."
The blue gold smiled:" With those small sampans of China?Or didn't see shadow up to now of eastern breeze series guided missile.However, black root that old guy since descended an order, we always also wanted to give him a face, that remained on standby at first, at the right moment also waited a minute horoscope."
The river east saves 100,000 insides in Tashans, a secret base of two cannons, battle in command of gleam a star in room, an about 60 years old shoulder wears the military officer of full general soldier title, is listenning to making collective report of subordinate.
"The drill still has seven hours and zero 50 cents to formally start and makes use of for this period of time, you return to do it again a check, attain absolutely safe, I have already signed toward the No.1 chief military command-like in shape, the guided missile this time must beat quasi-ly and beat maliciously, which link ascend wrong, which section of the main chief will be subjected to military law treatment.This is once the military exercise that relates to national destiny, if succeed, will ast least give us national to fight for a development time for 20 years, otherwise my generation is the convict of race!"
"BE!Promise to complete a task!The head war is used me and used me to necessarily win!"
The military officers stood up and shouted together own true feelings!Prepared how many years, this time although is also one to practice, if American sail mother doesn't listen to advise Zu to continue to march forward to the drill district, according to the order of soldier Wei, that will actually type one battle of solid stem, big antebellum nervous atmosphere covered with this in command of room.
Full general military officer is exactly two cannon commander Chen Lin Hu, the according to reason is at most like this kind of military exercise in command of and all right from the chief of staff, Chen Lin Hu of so want to come in person command post, mainly is this time drill too graveness.
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