
beats by dre pro e power relationr

In the whole world savior position, as these are the enemy of compassion .relationresultSimulation ofthe Huayan interracial used prowess, Yuan Futong heart slowly some understanding .
As the first and Zhu Yuanyu as an enemy alien ,Hua Yan alien forces strong ,wide distribution ,also on the Terran monks have had no small impact .At least Yuan Futong can feel it ,had his training in fire door method ,have Hua Yan alien magical shadow .
relationresultIn fact,it is also normal, Zhu Yuanyu itself is Ming fan community here guidance, fire door made by friar Zhu Yuanyu effect is inevitable .While Zhu Yuanyu and Hua Yan interracial fight is in fire door appears before they have begun ,the high order friar from Hua Yan alien powers in the transformation of some available to them ,and then spread, it is reasonable to do .
relationresultAlthoughat this point Yuan Futong method has been basically into Yuanhuo classics ,but after all the basic or fire door method, to study these things to Yuan Futong very good .
And Yuan Futong from the fire door transmission powers because the advanced Lianshen without some follow-up, therefore temporarily to Yuan Futong a little help .From Hua Yan foreign body, Yuan Futong sees some of their psychic powers may enhance .
Although this is just an idea, but also for the Yuan Futong opened a window .So in this body ,Yuan Futong had not to wander ,fully committed to the study .relationresultThe fourteenth volume of the seventh chapter .
relationresultThe fourteenthvolume of the seventh chapter .relationresultWavefront Hua Yan alien corpse into ashes ,Yuan Futong smiled and shook his head ,went back to his stone bed and sat down .
This study although some effects ,also gave Yuan Futong some inspiration ,but in the most critical issue, but did not get any breakthrough .Overall, in addition to train of thought is open ,the harvest is not Yuan Futong .
relationresultAppear this kind of circumstance,the reason is many sided .The first point of view ,is because the study materials ,namely the Huayan alien bodies are awful ,beats by dre pro.In order ,the other is but seven order ,even if it is a leader in the seven order ,but to grasp things after all quite limited ,a little help to Yuan Futong .
And research alien prowess, strength ,to * * material is the best ,and the Huayan interracial not only had died ,and in the previous battle depletion forces ,more and origin ,Hua Yan alien is the core of a group of Hua Yan has already dissipated ,a lot of things no law research .
relationresultIn second,Yuan Futong now knowledge and vision is quite limited ,inside short time very difficult in terms of what breakthrough .If only the force ,Yuan Futong after various adventures ,through the three super Tianjie, force in Lianshen monks although cannot sweep, but also the absolute is outstanding .
But in the field of vision and knowledge ,but more than the average Lianshen monks also some difference .So ,in part because Yuan Futong advanced too fast ,no other Lianshen monk so much time to experience ,the accumulation of these things .
On the other hand is because Yuan Futong the past experience is unique .In the lower bound when information was relatively poor ,even though Yuan Futong tried to collect ,income is very limited .
Into the true soul you later, Yuan Futong is busy practice promotion ,no time for collecting these things ,and his yuan Rong mountain will not give Yuan Futong this support .So until now ,Yuan Futong on the upper bound of the knowledge and experience are relatively weak .
relationresultFigure outthe two reasons ,Yuan Futong is no longer attached to research the Huayan alien .Since the train of thought has been opened ,to find the crux of the problem ,the solution is slowly .
Through the study of Hua Yan interracial upgrade themselves on the supernatural knowledge ,improve their own prowess is doomed to be a very long career, impossible accomplish at one stroke ,this Yuan Futong is very clear ,do not worry .
As long as in Zhu Yuanyu to stop, be Hua Yan interracial chances are ,after all, this is quite powerful alien has not been the friars beat ,still has a strong power ,threatens Zhu Yuanyu south .
Is not some alien ,had caught kill clean .relationresultButremember Yuanyu into Zhu ,Yuan Futong had a slight headache .Originally in Yuan Futong came with his brother ,the identity ,into the ink Yuanyu ,slowly into is not difficult .
But in the real after entering ,Yuan Futong knew their thoughts clearly some error .Lianshen monk even in the upper bound ,already is a remarkable class ,their origin such that no birth ,no past records of people who want to gain trust ,so as to further their due status is obviously not very easy .
relationresultMoreover,according to Yuan Futong observation and understanding, Zhu Yuanyu looks sloppy ,each influence separatism ,but more so, over the control of the more cautious ,on the sudden appearance of characters more preparedness .
Otherwise such a Lianshen friars arrived in three cities ,three cities as the dominant forces ,have been sent with their contact ,but not just to provide basic services, but there is no master appeared .
Estimation of the three border town now some powerful forces ,should be in the secret investigation of their own identity .But because there is no truth can let them check ,so be sure to spend some time .
Maybe those forces that determine not to look up something, be positive and their contact .relationresultAthree border town on the situation, and Yuan Futong put his mind to his future planning .
This itself into Zhu Yuanyu ,one hand is to facilitate their next practice ,on the other hand ,is still in the mortal world to the king Xinshi jade Ru two female spikes to prepare .
Yuan Futong is very clear ,with two female strength ,if not their connecting the guide and help ,want to break through the heavy space barrier ,enter the upper bound is almost impossible .
So in the next hundred years, Yuan Futong must be two people through the soaring road .relationresultItsays very simple ,but you really want to do is very difficult thing .Especially now that Yuan Futong is just Lianshen order work ,if only myself not to say impossible, but difficult, need to have higher quality ,but also the need for something more .
So Yuan Futong must be carefully planned ,in an effort to improve their own quality at the same time ,looking to find the power .relationresultWhile at Zhu Yuanyu,Yuan Futong can think of help in this matter your power of three .
The first is naturally from where the world fly up monk .These monks came from Mingfan circles ,for Ming fan community must concern .To live up to now monk, his strength will not low ,if we can draw these people ,help Ming fan community to open up channels easier .
relationresultButthe majority of Zhu Yuanyu to find from where circle of spikes ,and it is not easy ,especially Yuan Futong did not go up the path ,unidentified cases, it is difficult to obtain the trust of the other side .
But according to Yuan Futong ,know, soaring casualty rate in Zhu Yuanyu has been quite high ,after thousands of years ,now have was born in Mingfan circle monk still alive and Yuan Futong didn know .
More importantly ,this for thousands of years these monks are ignored that the mortal world soaring channel thing ,even if Yuan Futong found them, gain their trust ,can convince them is still unknown .
relationresultSecondYuan Futong was believed to have the potential to help Zhu Yuanyu in the demon tribe .In the Ming Dynasty the mortal world ,evil spirit race forces is not weak ,but also cultivated close to soaring demon statue exists, if we can get through rising channel ,evil spirit race can benefit not little .
Coupled with a Kong Hua respect and longevity demon statue two case ,Yuan Futong believes Yaozu sell possibilities would be larger .relationresultBut thisscheme is also a lot of problems . Related articles:

