
www.headphones-fashion.com n Three dragon

A suction .With its body ,the water is not enough to he stick to your teeth ,the hard, Wan foot long ,shallow lake was a part ,be the first to bear the brunt of red common carp ,with a surge of water rushed to the Dragon mouth .
relationresultSuddenly,a purple and white light to shine ,breaking waves directly will be red carp over ,then considered the Dragon suction without, fly back to the hands of Yang night .
The rod and restitution ,red carp was a purple light cover ,although jumping more than, but can . I know your mind ,you to help it to ? Yang night smile will red carp to Yao tiao .
relationresultYao Tiaolooked surprised ,quickly took over, nine sea is extremely dissatisfied with the sound of the Yin xiao .Yang Yeyi knock his head : you had enough to eat ,don many a piece of flesh .
We don stay at the bottom of the lake ,go out again . Three dragon was about to swim out of the bottom of the lake, but in front of the cave to emergent Guanghua ,bursts of water dissipated ,then see a man dressed in linen robe ,repulsive ,holding a three pronged spear ,treading water waves from the cave to fly out ,saw three people a slight edge ,then a harpoon ,evil sound thundered : you are where the immortals ,dare to ha Lake .
Just then ,he saw Yao Tiao in red common carp, suddenly a bright eyes ,the sound more says anxiously : this is my pet red carp ,quickly down and returned them to me . , relationresultYao Tiao sawthe glint in his eye, you know this is real ,to smile said: the Xianyou ,red carp since it is your thing, I you .
Then, made to let go ,let the red carp from the normalized oneself .The man sees ,cried out : wait, don let go ,you still have to return to me as well . Then ,he was smiling ,sending water to three people .
relationresultYangYeyi look at that one, have to practice in the realm of beauty ,is still the number one ,no wonder that dare to do so ,see its have come to the front, reached for the taking ,Yang said: ,my night has not yet Xianyou Title ? To see someone evil ,is not resistant to said: the immortal but ha Lake Xie Ling reality ,I received a red carp ,again with Xianyou clasps .
Then, reach out to catch the red carp .Can be reached to red carp chixu ,would not have been inching ,a layer of invisible wall abruptly stopped, Xie Ling real blushed ,tried to run the immortal force cannot be broken apart, then feeling bad, but the heart has unwilling ,unhappy to say: .
.. .. Fairy ,also please let go of prohibition ,let me take this Niexu . Said, but with eyes to see Yang night ,I think you know already that prohibition is Yang night cloth .relationresultYangnight laughed : don Xie Ling reality ,this time I three troubling reality retreat is not ,let me help you home red carp dragon ? Then, taken to red carp ,from the Vientiane circles Reena the ichor from the tip of the finger out ,poured into the red carp mouth .
The red carp euro RSCG early ,because the heart is high, is not willing to do a carp spirit ,want to explain ,www.headphones-fashion.com,now see ichor entrance ,then my mind now and then a transformation formula, this Bible belt ,silent song rhymes ,in vivo is pure thick aura in ichor welcomed re-build the meridians ,the fish body gradually long ,fins of claw ,gradually has a dragon .
relationresultXie Lingreality already look be struck dumb at the bottom of the lake ,their monarch palace is the red carp and come, want to take refining a elixir ,red carp slick pole ,often can not succeed ,this time to see three people captured the red carp ,with the words to come over ,who knows to come means heaven ,even with ichor help red carp dragon ,the red carp and their feud has for a long time, the fish body when no means of ,after greatly wrong ,now Shefing reality has gradually retreat meaning ,with three people pull away .
relationresultYangnight red carp growing slowly ,to several feet long were stopped ,how this can show their own means ,using sun sword into an inch Xiaozhen ,at nine of the neck pricked ,emitted a few drops of dragon blood ,then the bomb into the red carp mouth .
This power ,red carp was soaring, Longshou peep ferocious, Yaojiao double must rotate, four claw with the spurt shows ,red dragon with the body, thus attain the highest level in one step ,achievement Denon .
relationresultXie Linglive at this time which still consider and Yang Ye reply, separated from the sea on the fly ,and my heart is cursed : this is where the three muddy people do not know the beginning ,Denon ,euro RSCG dark vanished ,will destroy hundreds of miles of water creatures to train a dragon gas ? Thought of himself and the enemy as deep as the sea dragon ,heart is cold ,at the foot of illness students wave .
Who knows not to fly to the surface of the water ,to feel the wind is physical stamina ,dragon has come ,secretly complain of suffering ,in Longyou fast oneself hundred times ,would escape ,but turnover three pronged spear ,as a yellow awn ,to the first stab .
But he had no magic ,just broken water sky ,flying in mid-air .relationresultNiexu ,do not think as the embodiment of the dragon I will fear you ,maybe you and I fight for god ! Xie Ling live in midair growled ,and resorted to dozens of small streamers, the show ,create a hazy mist green destiny ,the entire lake envelop .
Although the three pronged spear to kill red carp special refining magic, can be red crush ,or stomach pain .relationresultIn therealm of what things are inseparable from the magic fairy stone ,price also strange expensive ,hundreds to thousands of immortal stone in the immortal eyes nothing ,mixing material magic really valuable, Xie Ling reality in the water not and dragon fight ,but into the air ,a means is not ambiguous ,with a magic weapon the Thirty-six surface of the lake over the pennant ,as can be blinded by passing the immortal ,and waiting for the Dragon above water ,magic dragon .
As for the three, Xie Ling reality is the heart of hate ,if they go out looking for bad luck .relationresultWho knowsthe Dragon ate a few drops of dragon blood ,no signs of Euro RSCG dark vanished ,cruising in shallow water ,often provocative jets .
Xie Ling live did not dare to enter the water, in the air a fairy thunder ,up into water, the agitation will have roaring waves rolled up and down ,layer upon layer .relationresultDisappointing ah ! , relationresultYangYetan a sound ,the want the red dragon and the Xie Ling live to eat ,who knows what this guy looks reckless ,but the opportunity of very fast, now who also how not who look down ,there meaning ,then smiled and said to Yao Tiao : I give you received the Red Dragon as a pet ? , relationresultYao Tiaohad repeatedly promised each night ,Yang immediately using bound dragon cable ,a dark red tie will ,in the blink of an eye to pull to the bottom of the lake .
The Dragon saw the three, explosive anger eyes also calm down ,Yang night nor it what ,to recover the bound dragon cable asked : will you follow the seductive extraordinary ,beautiful peerless fairy ? , relationresultYao Tiao Wenyanface is small red, Xiao Wan smile: there are you talking like that ,I have for you blush .
, relationresultYangnight pretended confused ,face with a distressed said: don you say? Don say that ,you are willing to follow the night demon Emperor Yao is not magic princess . Xiao Wan light tush ,said : sister is at least authentic door heart door side gate ,you didn officially married her door, the demon Princess and you say .
, relationresultYangnight laughs, is preparing to speak a few words of Xiao Wan ,listen to Yao Tiao whispered : Yang Lang ,people dragon promise for a long time ,is it right? What to Related articles:

