
beats by dre solo been strengthened

In low-level swordsman ;the other is a ranged attack ,they can release the lower ice bomb and missile fire ,it is difficult to deal with .relationresultAnd now this group of flame ,all eyes red ,if hungry a wolf ,a strong blood abnormalities ,deal with them may be more trouble .
relationresultFour holy knight and Nord first and the flame - contact .They are Dajianshi strength ,deal with these two magic bestial nature be nothing difficult ,but they did not expect is, the flame ,and not usually see the ordinary level two magic bestial ,easy to deal with .
relationresultThese unusual flame ,their armor strong do not know how many times ,in order to Dajianshi sword force ,can can not undermine their armor ,also need to cut a few swords .
Their attack also has been greatly improved ,in the hands of mace pounded in Dajianshi knight armor ,issued a bumper sound .Flame - the ability although has been strengthened, but their Dajianshi strength differ too much ,they attack ,were not able to knight and hurt Nord .
relationresultBut this time, the flame and the ice shavings into five their head, these are remote flame - magic attack power ,although not very great ,but this group of flame is not able to common sense, not to mention it or a group of flame - the magic attack .
Five person is also not the effect ,both in the side against their magic attack .relationresultThe magic attack ,in addition to the Nord five head ,have a half to the wagon .But this time, the carriage body emits a yellow light, this is the holy power -- light magic .
Only the person ,belief in God can launch light .Golden light to form a magic shield ,put all the attack against the .Cart ,Ai Luna holding a small wand ,Scepter inlaid with a huge materia ,so it is not an ordinary weapon .
The light shield is Ai Luna release .relationresultThe two stage flame Pettigrew unexplained increase ,make us wonder ,is given five Knights played a be taken by surprise ;but that is it ,after all, flame - capacity is too low ,even if the amount is numerous, also may not be five Dajianshi opponent .
relationresultDon Li Si them out, Nord and the four holy knight ,launched a counterattack ,it is not long time ,the ground fell a large flame .Flame - resulting in a large number of casualties ,but among them a seems to like flame - leader ,also saw the situation .
relationresultThe leader , ooh to shout ,say a few words did not understand the human language .In his voice after remaining flame ,Gruber will follow it away ,they are like a group of bandit ,break up in an uproar ,not a bit order ,there are a number of flame ,was later companion on the dead and in the ground .
After all, they are only level two magic bestial ,have very limited intelligence .relationresultFra I opened my eyes ,the flame - defeated ,she also see in the eye .relationresult Teacher ,the flames grew strength has been strengthened, it is weird ,why ? Alona curiously asked Fra .
relationresult The dark forest depths there must have been something unusual ,otherwise the flame also not mad was changed, we went to see will know . Fra said ,and closed his eyes meditation .
relationresultShe is now the heart is also very calm, the flames grew mad ,is absorbed a large amount of the gas causes .And world of Warcraft absorb magic gas mad of such things ,only in the Vatican Secret included continental history is documented, and this thing, in one thousand years ago .
relationresultThe body of the twenty-fifth chapterof space cracks , relationresultBookshop and updated: 2011-2-11 15:10:01 chapter number :3225 , relationresultLi Si see look ,smell what happened ,was also a bit uneasy .
relationresultClean up the scene, the Knights finishing equipment ,rest ,and then on to the dark ,beats by dre solo,deep forest depths .All the way down ,a pedestrian see Warcraft, mostly in the uneasy status ,each are eyes red, full of bloody breath ,the devil beast they saw the party ,began to attack ,very violent .
relationresultEven a gentle beast -- the deer ,all of them of Li Si was attacked .The deer is herbivorous beast ,they have the wind system attribute ,the air element accumulation in four ,run quickly ,there are few other world of Warcraft can overtake them ,and the wind will not attack the other deer is the devil beast or man .
relationresultA pedestrian is more deep into the dark forest ,it feels weird ,the dark Lindoubu full of danger .relationresultA few days later the dark night ,deep forest, blue moon hanging high in the sky ;a pedestrian found a high slope ,in the leeward one, raised the fire ,a group of people in the fire sitting rest ,carriage in their distance, also can keep out the cold wind .
relationresultAt the time, several young girls and FRA ,bishop is in a carriage to rest, and they would suffer a few men ,only enough to pave the ground ,leaves ,bunked down .relationresultAnd now there is no to the rest of the time ,because it is not late into the night .
to see the devil beast than a serious, are not very normal . Lina said ,she picked up a branch next to the fire ,wang .relationresult Yes ,it ! Alice is also very confused .relationresultNord was dignified , dark forest I had countless times ,never seen such a situation .
, relationresultLi Sicou Ai Luna ,lowering his voice ,the person next to hear , Ai Luna your holy church ,is it right? What secret ?Tell me . , relationresultAi Luna looked at her sight of the teacher ,but also in a low voice .
I don know, teacher and I have not mentioned ,this was to visit Rhine Empire ,the way the teacher suddenly changed his mind ,so he came to the town of ukraine . Ai Luna not like in false ,it seemed that she did not know .
relationresultFinlayn Reich and Ely Empire ,is the mainland Empire, at the southern tip of the continent .The Byzantine Empire ,northern ireland .In addition to the four Reich ,and dozens of small and medium-sized mainland Kingdom ,distribution in the mainland around them ,to their own interests, or territory ,frequent small friction ,can be said to Baisuosi continent, every day in the battle .
relationresultWhile the four empires was very quiet ,because they each party is strong ,not easily war ,if they want to annex a small kingdom ,is not possible ,because other empires will prevent an empire .
relationresultA wolf came from far away ,in the silence of the dark forest came away ,atmosphere is very strange .Louisa bolder was not great, even if there are many people around with ,there is also a fire illuminating light ,she is afraid .
Ah out exclaim ,hiding in the side of Li Si ,holding his arms .relationresultLouisa take in the voice trembled ,in a low voice , Lee brother ,I was afraid ,and sleep with you tonight .
Then ,Louisa, his face red ,Lina and Alice in astonishment ,she also felt that it was inappropriate, shy dixialetou .Fortunately, her voice is very small ,only next to Lina and Alice hear .
relationresultLina came up ,gave Li Si a elbow ,the Louis Sarah arms ,comfort . Louisa don ,my sister will protect you . , relationresultLi Si is very depressed, innocent looking Lina .
As if to say , why do you hit me ,this is not my thing ,she suddenly hold me . Lina not resigned to playing second fiddle ,back to her a supercilious look , you idiot certainly is not good ,they deserve . Related articles:

