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Wang and the words of Liu Tian ,caused everybody .relationresultPublicityas expected everyone reaction .Just quietly watching talking about all the .Later we see the publicity did not speak ,have stopped talking about watching the show .
relationresultAt this timeeverybody stopped Xie soft see comment on Zhang Yang said : Zhang Yang ,what have you to say so ,don . , relationresultSister-in-law says to you ,give it to me straight ! There has been no voicing Ye Qiu also feel publicity just words is so they see .
relationresultListen to twopeople, publicity nodded .The face is also exposed to a mysterious danger .Then in the hands of the appearance of a glittering Linglong tower .relationresultWe looked at thehands of the turret publicity publicity ,do not know what is the meaning of .
Liu Tianjian publicity did not speak ,cnn,but take out a Linglong tower, understand said: brother ,what do you mean ,don the turret can help you quickly improve quality ?You don you this in the house of God Yanqing colorful stone but a good stuff ,although not quickly improve the cultivation ,but also can make training faster than outside quickly .
, relationresultLiu Tianquestions on behalf of the question ,they are also on the faces of a pair of such expressions .relationresult,you ,colorful stone of God is able to improve the training speed ,but it was just a little faster than outside it ,and can rapidly improve .
What we need now is time ,time colorful stone of God can give ? Zhang Yangqian points out to Liu Tian that if God can accelerate the cultivation of colorful stone speed ,but also to say the problem of time colorful stone of God does not give way .
relationresultColorful stone of God cannot give us time ,but you can make the time for it to slow down ? Speak is Qi liang .relationresultQi Liang Shixiong ,you ,the turret is can let time slow .
, relationresultPublicityif I finish, they stir up .Even the silent beside Montaigne is also a face incredible expressions .relationresultThe tower called the circle tower ,in this small inner cultivation time and outside ratio is one hundred to one ,that is to say in practice for one hundred days ,the outside after just one day .
Publicity and gave us a big shock .Just hear this original group tower can let time slow down, is incredible .Now I can make time let alone the ratio of one hundred to one .They face is more abundant .
While Liu Tian faces more exaggerated, staring at the primary sector of the tower ,mouth is Zhang Dacheng a circle ,Facebook.relationresultLiu Tian approachedfrom the publicity ,publicity took the primary sector of the tower ,on the hand ,left look right look ,do not see the primary sector of the tower to have this function .
The original world tower to publicity ,Liu day anxiously said: big brother ,you this turret is so small, there can accommodate so many people ah ? , relationresultLiu Tianmake publicity laughing ,watching big brother listened to his words after laughing ,Liu Tian also does not know where the wrong ,also followed the publicity laugh .
After laughing at Zhang Yang ,Liu day joked: ,you know you now in where ? , relationresultThe question is ,of course, is in the Yanqing house ! Liu Tianxiang also did not want to answer .
The others are for the publicity raised this issue is the answer ,at the same time for publicity to ask such questions surprised .relationresultAnd Ye Qiu islike thinking something ,cried out : brother ,I know ! Ye Qiu ,so that everyone looked at him in surprise .
Liu Tianyi face asks strangely: autumn ,you know what ? , relationresultI know brother why to ask you this question ,because the primary sector of the tower is new address computer station , relationresultLike todayYanqing house ,can hold me .
Ye Qiu let everybody to understand .Originally in the primary sector of the tower is also a space .Yes ,the primary sector of the tower is a treasure of the space ,but also space treasure .
relationresultZhang Yangsmiled at the autumn leaves autumn : right ,the primary sector of the tower can let you enter . Publicity words more confirmed Ye Qiu said is true .relationresultLiu Tianze isexcited to play face pleaded : brother ,let me have a look at your advanced to ! , relationresultDon ,turret ,will let everybody go .
Zhang Yang watched Liu Tianna unable to hold oneself back like comfort .relationresultXie Rou isto play all of a sudden have such one can let time slow down baby surprised and asked : publicity ,publicity ,how did you get this baby, ah ,you and us but never to separate ? Xie Rou said it all from joy in Huanguo God ,yeah ,never see you leave ,all of a sudden there is such a thing out .
Everyone looked at publicity for publicity .relationresultZhang Yang looked atall the worried look no longer continue to hide ,at the front of Liu Tian said: the day, this thing you have seen ,do you remember ? , relationresult?If I have seen ,I now also is such a face ? For his brother said he had seen the original sector of the tower ,Liu Tian is very confused .
Other people also feel publicity certainly in keep me guessing .relationresultwhen you first came to Yanqing ,I this hidden treasure house ,see a dark oval a prickly spherical objects ? Zhang Yang prompted .
relationresultWell ,this I remember .At that time, though you think which is likely to be the best artifact ,but you didn . Liu Tian recalls .But Liu Tian then said exports ,they appeared shocked expression ,this just a primary sector of the tower ,followed by the need for god .
Montaigne is an envy of expression ,his immortal implement do not have, say the best artifact .relationresultOnthe original circle ,the tower is the first to see the ball . Publicity saying enough .
But Liu Tian still face is not a letter .As Liu Tianna did not believe that expression, publicity had to put the original blood recognition is the main thing to say to you .relationresultAfterall ,the primary sector of the tower is a more clear understanding of the heart ,look forward to immediately enter the primary sector of the tower cultivation .
relationresultLook atall the people face to look ,publicity for all of said: will go in now ,while you will feel a strong attraction ,but don .With the original circle tower in front of flash .
They disappeared in the publicity .Then the publicity also entered the primary sector of the tower .relationresultThe originalcircle into a layer of the tower by Xie Rou et al ,google,in the face of the tower this wonderful grasslands ,are rather surprised ,not to the prairie surprised but to prairie floating Reiki surprised ,because this aura purity than the colorful stone of God ,but also feel better .
relationresultXie Rou looked atthe boundless grassland, not only feel a bit monotonous .So he asked : so much publicity the prairies ,we have so few people ,every day we come face to face with the prairie and the blue sky and white clouds will be very dull and boring .
If can have the green mountains and rivers that should have much good .relationresultListenthank soft words ,publicity to Xie soft said softly : Rouer you look right ! Xie Rou listened to the words of publicity ,the right look, but turned to see or the vast prairie ,trying to blame Zhang Yangshua for his time ,found in front of tens of miles long up suddenly ,as the uplift of the local enlargement ,Xie soft feel at the foot of the grassland in trembling ,but they also feel this strange phenomenon .
Have toward publicity side close .A minute time, the trembling feeling disappeared ,and was raised there is a touch the sky castle .In the castle hill is a river .Mountain trees Related articles:

