
cnn esn't calculate for

Is silent to count:"Is a , 2, 3......"This a moment just deeply experiences personally and originally gloat over the disaster of others is also a kind of happiness.

Different meeting, have more than ten knights drive female the Zhe don't give to shoot down, however all of this are to have price.Second Se already and the knights cloth of surplus like a line and round female of snake at in the center."Go!!!"Because his horselaugh roars, several ten knights toward middle from the all directions of'beauty'hurtle pass by.

I see in the underwater surprised pole, completely don't understand second Se these people hurtle up what use.Depend ten to fairy monster several people aren't likely to kill off!"......"I feel that I holds unclearly what, the but again isn't very affirmative.

Front 5 knights line up into one row, finally is a second Se and toward snake the female hurtled pass by.The snake is female's a scream, arrows rain in hand still don't stop, 4 another weapons in a twinkling appear at hand up.'Xiu'of a , she quickly towards front to hurtle to, obviously want to break out of encirclement.

The knight whom the snake female faces' hasing no several crests is killed for shots by her arrows rains, can he after death of, nearby of the knight quickly hurtled to come over and stabbed a gun to take huge impact dint malicious bump at snake female the space block of shield up.When is 3 knight and her interleave but lead of moment, I make greatest efforts Zheng big eyes, clearly see the life that she sent out four kinds of attacks at the same time in that split second, took away these three knights......The flame bow and arrow towards the knight of upper left to project three multiple arrowses in a row, the light of fire of explosion immediately drowned him.The ray of light stabs a gun one is brilliant of fanaticism brutish firm enter the chest of upper right knight, from after death exposed out.Dark sword of seven extremely connected shot to accurately once row the throat of lower left knight, returned still and annexed for one and half months sword China, the in a flash split him two halfs.Wrong body and after leading, the sorcery of that blue method Zhang has been already completed as well, the together serial lightning flash dropped down from nine days, deep-fried at rest from behind catch up of knight body up, bombard in the continuous lightning flash in, the fast- spreading electric current blockades all pursuing troopses......

The third long journey chapter 166

The novel bus renews time:2010-7-716:40:27 chapter word numbers:3685

"The guy of good cleverness, estimate second Se the cook didn't live a constant body any further!"The joy in my heart broke down, eyes stared at all over more."Ah!!!"Roar along with the second Se crary Si indeed as expected, he Quan song wear body, the smoke of utter darkness covered with his whole body.In the smoke of dim moonlight, six rightnesses of wings slowly the at the back launch, he changes body.Degenerative empress of second Se body form immediately disappear, descend a moment, such as an unreal image sort appear a female at the snake nearby, the sword in stone is right against the face a ten word swordses to cut, then is seven extremely connect shot.For the fairy monster, the attack dint like this is really a bit weak.But be cut by the sword in stone in, the snake female immediately became statue to drop down.Although the wing of breeze is still clapping, however is obvious, the gravity field of sword in stone starts producing result, hard pull a female of snake to downwards wear.

Doesn't calculate for a petrochemical time too long, instauration empress of snake female Nu call started backstroke.The speed of the second Se is too quick, when the female of snake is nearby the figure of dreamlike sort is concealed now, time appear accompany with an attack, the sword in stone can always avert from the snake female's shield to chop down on her.In the behind loudly of in the Hao interjection, those knights quickly hurtled to come up with borrowing to fly horse matchless impact dint and towarded snake the female launched violent of sprint.

Although snake female very of severe, those attack all how don't care.But the gravity field lead long to make, petrochemical the emergence often, snake female's staring blankly is beaten have no a temper.After being led long by the second Se to make, several ten knights toward her madness of launch technical ability, the snake female screams, the long hair covers with to float a dance, was slowly pulled in the islet by the gravity field.I caution of explore to the head surface, hide and peep after a piece of rock.The second Se elephant an unreal image sort continues to round snake the female beat to turn, the gravity field continuously appearing makes her speed reduce slowly, but petrochemical make her temporarily become to live target again.Several ten knights of surplus had much of the being divided into of tacit understanding 4 groups and lined up into a long brigade of an and flew a several 100 meters to outside toward snake female to launch to sprint technical ability.With the high speed that flies a horse plus assaulting of several 100 meterses road, be to stab a gun to bombard on the snake female's Jiao Qu, the strong impact dint beats snake female the body continuously wave, the pure scales and shell blood sprinkles Li, she point hoarse call, cut up rough of return shot.

"So that's why, so that's why!I am finally understand second fairy machine of Se under charge why so many!"I shockedly looking at this act, in the center that again cleverness again badly top-class fairy monster to ascend several ten knights whom the second Se takes the lead, unexpectedly drive gravity with petrochemical make of can not nimble ambulation, helplessly bore the most stupid knight didn't stop of assault.She is unique can make, seem be raise that small shield, resist more second Se they of attack, and take advantage of an opportunity to return shot to kill off 1, 2 knights."Ha ha, second Se second Se, you can not find me to think I am frightened be made track for by you to kill but escape?Ha ha ha, I can wait you ah, wait you for 3 minutes once time lead, I must you know, flower why so red!"

But I still kept underrating this top-class fairy monster.Snake female the whole body be beaten the blood sprinkle Li, the full head long hair dances in the wind with the breeze, proud the sky gave a long whistle a , six hands again encircle before the chest.A burst of quickly passing time of six colors later on, those six weapons again and slowly became that absolute defense bead son.Funny BE, during the whole variety, snake female drive continuously petrochemical 7 times just complete.When the light of chemical element start returning, when the light cover of that six colors covers with at the snake female body up of time, the second Se is flicked a light cover open.The sword in stone chops down the time at the top, light cover right away will drive glazed white, became a rock cover son.Can wink,cnn, six color eddies of the center quickly revolved several turns, that white quick absorbability went in, the whole again resume.The knights are very shocked, but remain bravely hurtle to pass by.I can not know snake whether female still be trapped Rao by the gravity, however the action that she really don't evade confrontation with is only a holding of smile that bead son, quiet quiet stand at light cover the center.Knight's a head of hurtled in the past and stabbed a gun mercilessly firm in covering light, listenned to'Zhi' of 1, stabbed a gun as if stabbed on the transparent glass, in a twinkling rowed to open.

"NND , How did I forget this skill!"I looking at surplus of about 30 come to a knight, the wry smile gets up:"Anyway, I am appearing.Shall arrive soon for second Se three minutes, he definitely twists a body to run, how can the such opportunity easily pass?"After I looking at second Se and the knight of under charge and took the offensive several times, the second Se stretched hand to shout public, bawl out beginning to fly toward the sky.

"The bastards don't run!"I tremble a hand evocable night(Lin) dragon, and divide time together from the underwater flee, go toward second Se, they hurtled pass by.They are all foolish a foolish, seven Long Xi later on, two knights immediately became'the soul of hot springs sky'.In order to being happy BE, a thing dropped out.The gift of the baby's light is great to just complete, I shouted at top of voice, and the finger thick thin pole only wore deeply vast sky and also wore deeply 4 knight's bodies that lined up into one row."!!"The frightened interjection rings out, but is me and divides time of go against ten words to burst to print respectively at be very and only once worn by the baby of two knight body up, moment second killed them.

"Polar lights!"The knights panic of call get up, take opportunity, I quickly turn a head to stare at second Se, evocable small ice turtle one mouthful jelly spirit the reward gave him.Along with a burst of motion of sorcery shield, I finally let go of heart and temporarily wasn't afraid of him to escape from to fight status.The knights who see surplus all gathered to put together to constitute a form and blocked the appearance that wants to launch to assault in front of me, and the second Se of utter darkness a words didn't also say and turned round body and seemed be about to flee elsewhere toward distance right away.

"The TNND , how deprave haven't disappeared?!He so quick speed, I how may make track for up he!"My anxious of again the order embrace of the little ice turtle sprayed an one mouthful jelly spirit, in the mind

