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Is silent to count:"Is a , 2, 3......"This a moment just deeply experiences personally and originally gloat over the disaster of others is also a kind of happiness.

Different meeting, have more than ten knights drive female the Zhe don't give to shoot down, however all of this are to have price.Second Se already and the knights cloth of surplus like a line and round female of snake at in the center."Go!!!"Because his horselaugh roars, several ten knights toward middle from the all directions of'beauty'hurtle pass by.

I see in the underwater surprised pole, completely don't understand second Se these people hurtle up what use.Depend ten to fairy monster several people aren't likely to kill off!"......"I feel that I holds unclearly what, the but again isn't very affirmative.

Front 5 knights line up into one row, finally is a second Se and toward snake the female hurtled pass by.The snake is female's a scream, arrows rain in hand still don't stop, 4 another weapons in a twinkling appear at hand up.'Xiu'of a , she quickly towards front to hurtle to, obviously want to break out of encirclement.

The knight whom the snake female faces' hasing no several crests is killed for shots by her arrows rains, can he after death of, nearby of the knight quickly hurtled to come over and stabbed a gun to take huge impact dint malicious bump at snake female the space block of shield up.When is 3 knight and her interleave but lead of moment, I make greatest efforts Zheng big eyes, clearly see the life that she sent out four kinds of attacks at the same time in that split second, took away these three knights......The flame bow and arrow towards the knight of upper left to project three multiple arrowses in a row, the light of fire of explosion immediately drowned him.The ray of light stabs a gun one is brilliant of fanaticism brutish firm enter the chest of upper right knight, from after death exposed out.Dark sword of seven extremely connected shot to accurately once row the throat of lower left knight, returned still and annexed for one and half months sword China, the in a flash split him two halfs.Wrong body and after leading, the sorcery of that blue method Zhang has been already completed as well, the together serial lightning flash dropped down from nine days, deep-fried at rest from behind catch up of knight body up, bombard in the continuous lightning flash in, the fast- spreading electric current blockades all pursuing troopses......

The third long journey chapter 166

The novel bus renews time:2010-7-716:40:27 chapter word numbers:3685

"The guy of good cleverness, estimate second Se the cook didn't live a constant body any further!"The joy in my heart broke down, eyes stared at all over more."Ah!!!"Roar along with the second Se crary Si indeed as expected, he Quan song wear body, the smoke of utter darkness covered with his whole body.In the smoke of dim moonlight, six rightnesses of wings slowly the at the back launch, he changes body.Degenerative empress of second Se body form immediately disappear, descend a moment, such as an unreal image sort appear a female at the snake nearby, the sword in stone is right against the face a ten word swordses to cut, then is seven extremely connect shot.For the fairy monster, the attack dint like this is really a bit weak.But be cut by the sword in stone in, the snake female immediately became statue to drop down.Although the wing of breeze is still clapping, however is obvious, the gravity field of sword in stone starts producing result, hard pull a female of snake to downwards wear.

Doesn't calculate for a petrochemical time too long, instauration empress of snake female Nu call started backstroke.The speed of the second Se is too quick, when the female of snake is nearby the figure of dreamlike sort is concealed now, time appear accompany with an attack, the sword in stone can always avert from the snake female's shield to chop down on her.In the behind loudly of in the Hao interjection, those knights quickly hurtled to come up with borrowing to fly horse matchless impact dint and towarded snake the female launched violent of sprint.

Although snake female very of severe, those attack all how don't care.But the gravity field lead long to make, petrochemical the emergence often, snake female's staring blankly is beaten have no a temper.After being led long by the second Se to make, several ten knights toward her madness of launch technical ability, the snake female screams, the long hair covers with to float a dance, was slowly pulled in the islet by the gravity field.I caution of explore to the head surface, hide and peep after a piece of rock.The second Se elephant an unreal image sort continues to round snake the female beat to turn, the gravity field continuously appearing makes her speed reduce slowly, but petrochemical make her temporarily become to live target again.Several ten knights of surplus had much of the being divided into of tacit understanding 4 groups and lined up into a long brigade of an and flew a several 100 meters to outside toward snake female to launch to sprint technical ability.With the high speed that flies a horse plus assaulting of several 100 meterses road, be to stab a gun to bombard on the snake female's Jiao Qu, the strong impact dint beats snake female the body continuously wave, the pure scales and shell blood sprinkles Li, she point hoarse call, cut up rough of return shot.

"So that's why, so that's why!I am finally understand second fairy machine of Se under charge why so many!"I shockedly looking at this act, in the center that again cleverness again badly top-class fairy monster to ascend several ten knights whom the second Se takes the lead, unexpectedly drive gravity with petrochemical make of can not nimble ambulation, helplessly bore the most stupid knight didn't stop of assault.She is unique can make, seem be raise that small shield, resist more second Se they of attack, and take advantage of an opportunity to return shot to kill off 1, 2 knights."Ha ha, second Se second Se, you can not find me to think I am frightened be made track for by you to kill but escape?Ha ha ha, I can wait you ah, wait you for 3 minutes once time lead, I must you know, flower why so red!"

But I still kept underrating this top-class fairy monster.Snake female the whole body be beaten the blood sprinkle Li, the full head long hair dances in the wind with the breeze, proud the sky gave a long whistle a , six hands again encircle before the chest.A burst of quickly passing time of six colors later on, those six weapons again and slowly became that absolute defense bead son.Funny BE, during the whole variety, snake female drive continuously petrochemical 7 times just complete.When the light of chemical element start returning, when the light cover of that six colors covers with at the snake female body up of time, the second Se is flicked a light cover open.The sword in stone chops down the time at the top, light cover right away will drive glazed white, became a rock cover son.Can wink,cnn, six color eddies of the center quickly revolved several turns, that white quick absorbability went in, the whole again resume.The knights are very shocked, but remain bravely hurtle to pass by.I can not know snake whether female still be trapped Rao by the gravity, however the action that she really don't evade confrontation with is only a holding of smile that bead son, quiet quiet stand at light cover the center.Knight's a head of hurtled in the past and stabbed a gun mercilessly firm in covering light, listenned to'Zhi' of 1, stabbed a gun as if stabbed on the transparent glass, in a twinkling rowed to open.

"NND , How did I forget this skill!"I looking at surplus of about 30 come to a knight, the wry smile gets up:"Anyway, I am appearing.Shall arrive soon for second Se three minutes, he definitely twists a body to run, how can the such opportunity easily pass?"After I looking at second Se and the knight of under charge and took the offensive several times, the second Se stretched hand to shout public, bawl out beginning to fly toward the sky.

"The bastards don't run!"I tremble a hand evocable night(Lin) dragon, and divide time together from the underwater flee, go toward second Se, they hurtled pass by.They are all foolish a foolish, seven Long Xi later on, two knights immediately became'the soul of hot springs sky'.In order to being happy BE, a thing dropped out.The gift of the baby's light is great to just complete, I shouted at top of voice, and the finger thick thin pole only wore deeply vast sky and also wore deeply 4 knight's bodies that lined up into one row."!!"The frightened interjection rings out, but is me and divides time of go against ten words to burst to print respectively at be very and only once worn by the baby of two knight body up, moment second killed them.

"Polar lights!"The knights panic of call get up, take opportunity, I quickly turn a head to stare at second Se, evocable small ice turtle one mouthful jelly spirit the reward gave him.Along with a burst of motion of sorcery shield, I finally let go of heart and temporarily wasn't afraid of him to escape from to fight status.The knights who see surplus all gathered to put together to constitute a form and blocked the appearance that wants to launch to assault in front of me, and the second Se of utter darkness a words didn't also say and turned round body and seemed be about to flee elsewhere toward distance right away.

"The TNND , how deprave haven't disappeared?!He so quick speed, I how may make track for up he!"My anxious of again the order embrace of the little ice turtle sprayed an one mouthful jelly spirit, in the mind

http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc t the place that is

The free star area has already been blockaded, even the our Yan house also has no way to leave, you know ……the free star area is a piece of and forsaken star area, regardless what happened ……all can't someone come to interfere with ……"

Lin Qi Yu is slanting head, say with smile:"The Yan surname household surrounds in the free star …… oh, no wonder that, our Lin Jia also withdrew a free star ……" he wanted to mean to say a way:"H'm, all right, we go to a free star area, in addition to Yan surname household, also need to withdraw who?"

The Yan says behind:"Return many people to need to be helped ……light rain, thank you."

This time, she is sincerely thankful.

The Yan has never taken during a lifetime behind who, but to Lin Qi Yu real strenght after evolving, she beats to admire in mind's eye.Ever since that time after the garbage star blue lake knew Lin Qi Yu, his development absolutely is hard to believe and sees Lin Qi Yu in nowadays, she all anyway doesn't dare to wanton.

The space fort directly jumps up a free star area.

One in the command module shout, jump up for the first time thus accurate, and when the space jumps up no one feels unwell, this space fort can calculate up is the most high-tech crystallize for mankind.

Just appeared free star area, the space fort depended on of the battleship started out to escort, eight battleship of heavy type the interstellar war row warship classes, slowly flew a dockyard, served as to escort a task.

Later on, more than 40 medium-sized battleship fly and have destroyer and escort warship among them.2,000 offensive machine A warships, as if the Fengs generally surround fort to patrol, the pilot is all served as by intelligence warrior.

Lin Qi Yu stands on the lord to control command module in, Lin Jun Bao and Gao Lian wins leisurely and carefreely and sits together a side to drink tea.

Have ice Long Wei the report way:"Report, is apart from a free star 100,000 kilometers of space in, there is fleet being fighting, according to the speed of the fort, about an hour later get in touch with battlefield empty area."

Lin Qi Yu says:"Identify to fight both parties to belong to which influence group, there is also the amount and grade of battleship ……."

The 20th gathers to living the interest chapter 10 not to have never started to have no eventually(is whole)

"A light interstellar row warship, 12 medium-sized and light escort warships, 432 fighter jet A warship, all battleship and machine A warships are older model numbers, that light interstellar war row warship is still the curio model number before a hundred years, early should eliminate."

"Their opponent ……own an interstellar cruiser for once refitting, two interstellar destroyers, equally is also once refit ……the escort warship is 21, 764 attack machine A warship, both parties' real strenght is mutually just about."

Lin Jun Bao and Gao Lians win a station to start, Lin Qi Yu says:"Refit?Is a star thief?"

Ice Long Wei says:"Can not know who hostile both parties are currently."

Lin Jun Bao says:"Refit of should be a star thief, give me the stereoscopic picture of both parties' battleship."

The picture immediately appears.Lin Jun Bao and Gao even win is all senior soldier, 2 people is in astonishment the battleship that they produce that age towards seeing one eye, that interstellar war row warship unexpectedly.

Gao Lian Sheng shakes head a way:"Can't, there is unexpectedly also battleship like this being undergoing military service?This is the battleship of the standard ex- federal soldier, early be eliminated need not."

Lin Qi Yu's sudden eyes a bright, say:"You see ……the sign on the warship head!"

"Red spider!"

Gao Lian Sheng says:"Incredibly is a red spider army corps, ha ha, sought them for a long time ……think that we were made track for by them in those early years round and round turn indiscriminately, didn't dismiss afterwards, how unrestrained still in the space?Should be the star thief's fleet with what them square off ……interesting,http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc, light rain, none of both sideses is a good thing, how do you intend to do?"

Lin Qi Yu considered a short moment and peeped out one silk smiling face and lightly said:"They not is like to rob?Hey Hey, that study learns them and robs!"

Lin Jun Bao's eyes stare and just wanted to say what, and then endure, say with smile:"Ha ha, the old headman has no interest to beat to kill of, I return to room sleeping to go, light rain, you have fun."

He whole life in old man's house is openly morally upright, like a battle, obviously humiliate the person's behavior to disdain to a to attend to to this kind of, can he also not wants to obstruct Lin Qi Yu, straight-tempered time the building go to bed.

Gao Lian Sheng not from must say with smile:"The leopard son of your this private, I come to join a crowd for fun, ha ha."

Lin Jun Bao is tiny tiny on smiling, turn round to leave.

Lin Qi Yu issues order both parties who surround the confrontation, the space fort quickly approaches space battlefield, more than 10,000 attack machine A warships start out first, 50,000 space intelligence warriors close on the heels of afterward and round Long from the all directions past.

The Yan arrives command module afterwards and asks a way:"Light rain, what matter?"

Lin Qi Yu asks a way:"Is this a whose fleet?Do you know?"

His pointing at is doubted the fleet that steals for the star.

The Yan swept to see one eye behind, not from must say with smile:"That is the fleet of your old friend, Zuo space Sen ……still remember him?Now this guy is imposing ……mama!Isn't that a red spider army corps?Light rain polishes off them!Our businessman of free star was miserably humiliated by them, the blockader of free star area was what they result in."

Lin Qi Yu asks a way:"I remember you before and ……what influence unite, seem still what military authority of fleet cooperate, they why not at?"

The Yan sighed tone behind and said:"Unite a fleet to early dismiss ……those battleship be also sold an empty, in order to appearing a great deal of free market, who would like to also run to this strange corner?The free star has been already declined, our household is just the place that is lived as recluse as one here and trains the next generation pupil."

Lin Qi Yu says with smile:", So the fleet of your household also not at?"

The Yan sighs a way behind:"The freight transportation airship of our household is a lot of, but has no large battleship and escorts, most however is tenth, a few escort warships, carry machine A warship, the star that can be used and scare and drive out a small thief, if meet a fleet ……alas, that only flees for life of divide.

"Now have no ship can close to a free star, the whole star drive complete blockade, even the star thief also withdraws this empty area goes to another place to develop, don't know a Zuo space the Sen how can comes back."

2 squares off medium fleet to quickly accept Long battleship.

The battleship that the distance flies is really too many, and is a large interstellar war row warship, plus space fort huge and matchless shape, frighten two commanding officers of fleets dumbstruck.

The shape of battleship they aren't unfamiliar, that is ever and hanged up a star the person once fought of battleship type, early spread the whole personal society.

Just that space fort is very weird, unexpectedly still want greatly and get much than the interstellar aircraft carrier.

The end is still extensive machine A warship and intelligence warrior, let they understand that is the whose fleet, only have Lin Shi's household just like this terrible real strenght.

Have no a warship long dare to issue order an attack, they a maintain a discreet silence the ground looking at battleship to surround to come up, that huge pressure, let the owner all breathe heavily however annoy.

Particularly see numerous intelligence warriors in the space, that is absolutely an invincible warrior, the common battleship is in front of them and be like a very thin sheet iron coffin.

This activity drive cold diagram catcher in command of, he is just carefree to what stuff, take a to sit therein an interstellar war row warship for friend in, jubilantly humiliate a person.

In spite of is the battleship of a battleship still a red spider army corps that the star steals, all don't dare to put to serve as what the carriage of threat, they don't want backstroke at all and almost decide to surrender in momentary.

Both parties the real strenght margin is too big, resist seeking dead is pure.

The star thief's leader is indeed as expected a Zuo space Sen, he is sent to the command module of Lin Qi Yu's place.See after Lin Qi Yu, the pole of this guy surprise, shout loudly a way:"The oh is indeed as expected you …… childe Lin, ha ha, ha ha ha ……"

Lin Qi Yu shakes head a way:"Zuo space Sen, you how can here?"

The Zuo space Sen envied ground to conjecture everywhere some kind of, say:"Absolutely dare not believe, childe Lin, you unexpectedly develop to this kind of situation, ha ha, I come here ……for the sake of a group of friends' family members, they all surround in the free star."

Lin Qi Yu says:"Why does the red spider army corps want to besiege a free star?"

The Zuo space Sen sighs a way:"The ground not just wanted one has a foothold, they originally of the star was robbed by the other people to have, so running is out-of-the-way place to this, try to control a free star.

"Their fleet real strenght is quite good, but the ground troops is very weak, the number is also little, can not get support of native son, therefore blockaded a free star and heaven star, both parties refused to budge quick one year, ha ha, come to negotiate this time, almost beat, just shot several, square off

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Slightly the white wing 搧 moves, very lovely, incredibly still have a turn of aureole on the head.

Lin Qi Yu arrives the database of grandmother's appropriation and had never thought grandmother to unexpectedly design such a little angel as a guide for the first time.Listens to a virtual little angel a milk voice milk spirit the ground saying:"Please produce a personal status proof, this is grandmother Zhong's data area."

The virtual area of he or she of Lin Qi Yu is a war absolute being gold just the warrior of sort, he knew that grandmother has been wanting a little granddaughter very much, so see the little angel like this don't feel strange.

Lin Qi Yu says:"I am Lin Qi Yu."

He waves hand to recruit a virtual keyboard and quickly tees off a string of combination number, this is his personal status proof.Each federal citizen has a set of number since birth, is a personal status to identify, this is a thing with the most important person.

Little angel the aureole on the head a bright, say:"The personal status confirms, can get into a basic data database, the deluxe database disallows into."Finish saying, her 搧 moves small wing to fly to the upper left of Lin Qi Yu, again way:"Little elder brother needs to be searched what?A little love can provide a certain help."

Lin Qi Yu says with smile:"Do you call a little love?"

Suddenly a little love Shan wears disproportionate big eyes, milk voice milk spirit the ground say:"BE, grandmother calls me a little love."

Lin Qi Yu is induced a smile, this small guy is really lovely.

He says:"A little love, I want a 瞭 solution evolution."

He had been worrying grandmother to request to inject an evolution before, because he envied eldest brother very much and two elder brother evolution empress of outstanding physique.For example say a brawl, on the emulator, Lin Qi Yu can fight into draw with two elder brothers of eldest brother, even can occasionally also win them, but in the reality, the eldest brother literally stands to make him beat and also harms not to arrive a milli- hair, this doesn't already make Lin Qi Yu upset.

He is very understand, before doing not evolve, oneself isn't likely to have a competition with eldest brother.

But Lin Qi Yu to evolve future reunion how not clear, so he inquires to inject body variety in evolution first.

A little love is wrinkly the very small eyebrows, a shocked shape, to say:"The little elder brother has a lot of varieties after injecting an evolution, you want to know which variety?"

Lin Qi Yu Nao Nao head, wry smile way:"I what don't understand as well, inject an evolution have what dissimilarity?"

He has been thinking that the owner injects of is an all same evolution, where know that the evolution still has different category.

The aureole on a little love head is one Shan, Pie Pie small mouth, that is to mean that the question that Lin Qi Yu asks is too stupid.As an intelligence person, although she has to answer a question, she also displays some despises.

She jumps in a line of bookcases and turns over a body to sit in separating plank, two calfs of thin whites back and forth concuss and say:"Evolution's being divided into the a lot of kind the most common is a K 14, so-called No.14 evolution, have already eliminated gradually now, currently federal the L is most popular 17, is also the No.17 evolution, the person of overwhelming majority has been examined, all is inject this kind of."

Lin Qi Yu says:"The No.17 evolution ……is also say, have some a person not to is to inject this kind of, also is different from of evolution?"

He ignores the vision that a little love disdains to, know that grandmother is to intentionally establish a little love thus, want to make people feel that a little love has much of a personality.

Is a little to love continuing to explain a way:"On the 17th and on the 14th is the all the most basal evolutions, the ordinary people use it and then can evolve above 3 F, the 14th is synthesize on July 14, 3697, is an use the most universal, most evolution;And the No.17 evolution then 50 year agos, synthesize to°from grandmother Zhong of, is also a federal to use a kind of most evolutions now."

A little love from separate plank up start to fly, appear a pimping magic wand in the small hand, lightly and in the sky at 1:00, a long thin glass bottle appears in the sky, the bottle inside is a blue liquid.

She says:"This is the No.17 evolution ……" immediately after uses a magic wand 1:00, the glass bottle immediately disappears.

She continues to say:"The another evolution calls to lend support to an evolution again, or calls appropriation evolution, there is also specially advanced evolution.For example, the intelligent evolution is over-emphasized to the evolution of brain, generally is that the science and technology personnel's head choose, the price is very expensive;Still have already devoted major efforts type the evolution is that the troops are appropriative.

"Certainly these all want to match with the body of evolving mutually, if an intelligence quotient only have 20 several people, be inject an intelligent evolution for him don't also use,google, so ……the No.17 evolution is foundation, the other evolution then adds."

Lin Qi Yu repeatedly nods, a little love says clear clear 瞭 , he understood on listenning to.

He the one who thinks of to be once come to by the earth before getting hurt made track for to kill, because two elder brothers were also the earths to come to, he knew that that is the so-called super evolution, but super evolution is what mean, he wasn't clear.

He asks a way again:"Super evolution what concept is ?"

A little love hands cross to put in the chest and peep out adoring facial expression on the face, the small wing 搧 moves Be getting eager more.She says:"Little elder brother, super evolution is our mankind's hope, they own the strength of common evolution hard imagination, they have the world to belong to their they, super evolution can masterly make use of the energy of oneself ……"

Lin Qi Yu curiously asks a way:"What energy?Super evolution can oneself produce energy?"

A little love rock wears the golden color of full head curl hair, heavy eyes blinked to expect for a while, turned over Lin Qi Yu's one eye and continued to say:"Everybody will have an energy creation, evolution output energy inside the body than the common run of people Gao De Duo, but super evolution …… is tantamount to a set energy creation machine, evolve the energy of to contain a name, be called Cu ability."

Cu ability, Lin Qi Yu once heard, but he not clear Cu ability of contain an idea.

The ordinary people also need to get into a specialized school training, or get into federal database study after injecting an evolution.

Lin Qi Yu hasn't injected an evolution, so a lot of affairs are all not clear, he says:"A little love, gives me the explanation for a while what is a Cu ability."

Is a little to love a shape that wants to faint, immediately after say:"The Cu ability is an evolution output energy in the body, is 100 year agos are discovered by the famous scientist, be named after Cu ability.

"Say like this, the common run of people evolves 1 F, can produce inside the body of Cu can mostly in 300-400 scopes, but super evolution, which afraid is beginning come to, his Cu can generally can attain 3,000-9,000 many."

Lin Qi Yu marvels a way:", So many, very fierce."He envies ground to say:"Oh, if I can become a super evolution good."

A little love in the sky and back and forth drifts and says:The sky of"super evolution very rarely seen, output proportion about only have thousand times of a, there is still in the super evolution the more severe, be called" spoils", they the strength and intelligence for owning, even super evolution also pretty much admire and respect."

Lin Qi Yu repeatedly shakes head and have never thought evolution still have so much distinguish.He says:"Like, a little love takes me to inside in the database to study, I don't understand anything, you can patiently order."

The probably a little love humanized too much, Lin Qi Yu imperceptibly polite to her.

After got into laboratory, clock Bei Wen's all meals are Lin Jun Bao to send in person to, if isn't Lin Jun Bao to send to, the clock Bei Wen basically cans not recalls and has a meal.

The examination consultation of end came out, the original liquid of sampling not was to evolve an original liquid, but another a very geezer material, its member structure and evolve an original liquid to have astonishing likeness.

The result for analyzing down makes her greatly disappointed, if uses the original liquid like this analyzes according to the normal step, the liquid synthesizing implies a very severe toxicity.

But this kind of liquid isn't devoid of any merit either, the clock Bei Wen is after all one of the scientists of best federal, she acquires of a the class academician's title isn't a wave hollow reputation.After three days without sleep or rest thinking and emulation compute, she discovered the huge potential of this kind of liquid.

Contain the strongest instauration ability and explosion ability in this kind of liquid, as long as thinking a way to moderate toxins in it, can get a kind of new assistance.

The laboratory of clock Bei Wen owns an abundant material database, she collects of various material compare a lot of famous material databases to all have to be whole, so she can do various experiment very easily.

Passed by for exactly a month, the clock Bei Wen won according to Lin Qi Yu and Gao Lian of blood kind, finally prepare one advanced

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If the Buddha for the sake of corroborate him, a launch ability shell is deep-frying to ring outdoors.

The cold diagram drinks a way:"Walk quickly!"3 people quickly run toward stairs.

Is close behind and is a hair shell deep-fried ring, this but is on the roof.

3 people distressly escape underground 1 F, even if at underground, also can feel that the ground is in the violent tremor.

The cold diagram resolutely says:"This also not insurance, we next go."

They just escaped underground 2 F, house drive deep-fried even.

Empty thief troops have never thought, this resisting of garbage city unexpectedly thus stubborn, lose several hundreds of empty thief after, their beginning became mad.

Soon, and then there is a batch of landing barges landing, again come down 1,000 empty thief, they take very greatly medium-sized attack weapon of power this time, there is taken Laser cannon, and used for Gao Bao's air that attackstones house to play an etc..

Lin Qi Yu wants to rush out to go to, the 2 F house of helpless top collapses to fall down and completely stops up completely the stairs going up, and it is can hardly for the metal alloy plank material of big piece to draw apart.

The cold diagram draws a deep sigh a way:"This city doomed, alas."

Under support of power strong machine A warship and attack fort, the empty thief troops offended to go into city area.

Because a landing barge leaves a ground, the large-scale massacre launches.

Smoke and dust in the degenerative city rises everywhere, the light of fire dashes forward the sky of haze, and machine A warship ever and anon gets down swoop and sends out irritating to the ear screech.

Get into in civilian in the city's holdout white-knuckle of time, an ion storm's playing is silently set off.This is again a degenerative king to arrange.

The in a flash, the together very and dazzling flashlight, is depraving central loft to shine, huge impact wave, once all products on the ground sweep and get empty, not only civilian's death and harm on the ground almost exhausted, empty thief troops of attack fort, machine A warship and all is putting together to kill of empty thief, also almost whole army is routed.

Only very few parts of machine A warship tries very hard to toward Gao Kong Fei to, the message that will massively explode at the same time reports up.

Under the power that ion storm plays, the person on the ground is an impossible survival.

This is a bloody bloodbath, also arose completely resisting of the degenerative star residents, they really don't know this is the ion storm that the degenerative king establishes to play.

The leader Zuo space Sen spirit of empty thief troops must almost want to grow crazy, this time is that he directs to attack and occupy a degenerative star in person, have never thought such Yin of degenerative king malicious, unexpectedly deploy trap, let the civilian in the city and own of empty thief the troops perish together.

The degenerative city is unique degenerative star a big city, after being played by an ion storm to demolish, the whole degenerative star fell into exhaustive disorder.Food and water are extremely missing, some civilians of luckily survives after finishing consuming the food that he or she stores for going under the existence, beginning in groups knot big four rob.

Zuo space Sen's originally slavering here am one to gather treasure basin, once the city is ruined, not only rebuild of the expenses is too high, and still have the civilian to in great quantities regard with hostility him.He weighs gains or losses, decides to give up to capture a degenerative star and turns but pursues and arrests a degenerative king.He knows this guy property of degenerative king it's big, as long as catching him, other problem good solution.

In fact, the Zuo space Sen strikes against a degenerative star, just supplementary task, he wants to complete a confidential task, seek a very important person, the intelligence report shows that person on this star.

Lin Qi Yu lived in the underground for more than 30 days and with difficulty cleaned up a narrow passage.

In public after person climbs a passage, an is all surprised to be getting more foolish.

Degenerative city the full eyes are desolate, an eye hopes to only break a wall damaged site, the air floats to dance a slice slice snowflake, the accumulated snow of ground is as thick as two Chinese feet, strong wind roar and shout but lead, send out the whimper voice of sad cry sort.

The cold diagram sighs a way:"The degenerative city probably does misdeed too many, destining can not last long."

The in the mind wry smile of Lin Qi Yu, now pour is a freedom, but how leave a degenerative star and became a heavy problem.

Suddenly listen to a gun ring, the close behind gun voice is successive to ring out.

The cold diagram hands bottom presses, small track:"Everyone hides like."

The distance has two people the horse at mutual to shoot.The small voice of Lin Qi Yu asks a way:"Could you see know is who?"He doesn't dare to make use of a Cu ability.

Nine elder brothers take out an electronics with big palm scanner from the bosom and draw back scanner, crowd aim at mutual gunning, open to distinguish mode.He in astonishment says:"Yi, this is astray the king's close Wei troops, oddness, they how did the peaceful people beat?"

Not the distance sends out a slight voice to ring, the cold diagram draws out a bayonet, small track:"Everyone notices to take precautions against."He silently and backward the noodles move, the figure soon disappears in the heavy snow.

Listens to one stuffy to hum, not and in a short while, the cold diagram is behind a personal Qian's back return at first.That is a civilian, he closes tightly a double eye, see the appearance be beaten by the cold diagram dizzy.

The cold diagram starts to grasp a snow Sa on that person's face, that person beat one cold Zhan, open eyes, feel first the front line is ice-cold in the neck, canthus' taking aim there is a bayonet, thought of just even doing not see and then be beaten persons is dizzy, he frightens not and dares and moves.

Nine elder brother the small voice say with smile:"Being old cold more and more is severe ……feed, friend, we have no malice, you why hide at us behind, want to beat stuffy stick?"He the small voice open fun.

That person light tone way:"Are you to live in the civilian here?Take away bayonet, we aren't enemies, I am to live in the civilian here."

Cold diagram Zi once the tooth smile and lay up a bayonet and ask a way:"Is what is the row here?Is an empty thief to ruin to deprave city?"

That person peeps out indignant air, soft-voiced way:"Is that bastard of degenerative king!He at degenerative the center leave an ion storm to play, after empty thief lands, he set off bomb ……one of my brothers be also killed by explosion ……"

Nine elder brothers almost lose a voice to shout loudly, he four attend to look about, sees all people sallow.

Led a long time, nine elder brother soft-voiced way:"We are thoroughly abandonned, hereafter want to want to live a life ……can depend on oneself, would everyone like to follow me?Is old cold, you see how?"His taste once sweeps public.

The cold diagram is long through vicissitudes of life, certainly listen to the meaning of nine elder brother words insides, he says:"Nine elder brothers, you would like to pick head list stem, I have no opinion, however I am getting older, would not like to beat again to kill, stop worrying, and I can't drag along your hind legses."

The flint says:"Anyway I also have no place to go to, nine elder brothers, I follow you dry!"

Nine elder brothers' tastes sweep toward Lin Qi Yu and peep out the meaning of inquiry.

Lin Qi Yu's viewpoint is similar to the cold diagram, his hasing Anne to work properly bacterium and card Sen is nearby doing not want to follow nine elder brothers, and he shakes head a way:"My nonappearance."

Show unintentionally disappointed facial expression in nine elder brother's eyeses,google, say:"I don't force, would like to I walk of ……follow me!"Finish saying to turn round backward the noodles Qian goes.

The flint hesitated for a while, heel past;Yin ice insect and ash magma 2 people lift to begin a medium kinetic energy gun to keep up with towards seeing one eye, also;That is grasped comer to say:"I also go!"He has a little fear cold diagram, be eager to wanting to leave here.

After they leave, cold diagram small track:"Light rain, why don't you go?"

Lin Qi Yu counter-questions a way:"Why don't you go again?"

2 people smiled at the same time, the cold diagram in a soft voice scolded a way:"It is small cunning."

The soft-voiced way of Lin Qi Yu:"Old fox."Finish saying, 2 people cannot help but smiling again.

The cold diagram points at a front way:"See, nine elder brothers took person to attackstone from the on the side."

The close Wei that depraves a king is about only 7, 8 people, but makes track for their civilian of shot to have more than ten individuals, but both parties equip differ too greatly, close Weis is uniformly of high performance light A protect a body, all of weapons taking are the kinetic energy guns of big powers, also have to lift one to take a type to soon shoot cannon in a big fellow hand, can tee off a chain of kinetic energies to play, so both parties refuse to budge over there.

Soon shoot cannon of quickly bombard under, and then have two civilians drive deep-fried fly, gradually, the civilians could not held against.At this time, nine elder brothers take several individuals to start a sneak attack and polished off the big fellow that takes to soon shoot cannon all of a sudden, the situation immediately turns round to come over.Close Weis see to arrive to can not hold up against, give out sound a to shout and coax however spread.

The cold diagram says:"Is not bad, know to to beat that and then hold cannon, H'm, see appearance nine elder brotherses have no problem, we next go to."

Lin Qi Yu says:"They came over."

Sees nine elder brothers and those people say what, a group of persons lift to harm member to this place walk.

The cold diagram sighed tone and said:"Who let are we to go together with a teacher, these harm a member to always need to save."

Lin Qi Yu also smiled and noded a way:"Yes, who let are we to go together with a teacher."

Going together with in the treatment is a , the cold diagram can be regarded as master class

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Don the main battlefield of fighting what . Xiao Yu can not help thinking, League of evil and angel alliance to the main battlefield is it to Hagen prairie .relationresultHagenprairie is about and the Erathian borders the most fertile prairie ,is one of the two major league competing focus .
Nature is also the most frequent local war .relationresultXiao Yurecovered .Continue to attack the evil alliance to a completely defeated army .relationresultBeamon was not much blood .We work harder ! Wind wild some exciting growl ,arrows and magic more intensive occupation ,the remote game player are more hard attack .
relationresultOnly thethirty thousand volume ,Beamon was suddenly at the roaring sound .The body becomes more huge, systemic gray fur turned into a bloody red color .relationresultBeamonmonster skills .
Beast rage !relationresultBeamon was broke ! , relationresultCome on ,it near . , relationresultBeamonwas a stout to anterior femoral slap in front of the shield soldiers who, bang bang bang ,a seven shield warrior inverted out .
Beamon was rushed to the outside mad .To master and archers team .relationresultIt came out . , relationresultAh , relationresultAsound of screams rang, Beamon behemoth each attack a can take more than 10 life .
Wherever he went ,the ground is one of the Qing ,leaving only the large bodies .relationresultBeamonwas frantically impact .The game player who have defeated .The archers have rapidly spread, the melee occupation game player are constantly go ahead ,take the flesh and blocking ,blocking Beamon leviathan .
relationresultWaves ofarrows ,although unlike just so neat, attack has not stopped .relationresultAnd then there were twenty thousand .Come on. , relationresultGuyssoon dead . , relationresultBeamonbeast to output in a rapid consumption ,in Beamon monsters to wreak havoc on the ground below ,left big bodies ,with many thousands of feet .
In a mess .relationresultBeamonwas all killed thousands of people ,some of the power consumed .In situ heavy panting .relationresultIt is dying .All shield warrior for me ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj,Beamon was to me by ! Wind wild to command line .
relationresultTheshield fighters will Beamon was surrounded, shield and Beamon beast body collision ,a dreary crash ,a man was amazing to roar .It might not Bibimeng behemoth difference .
relationresultCountlessarrows screaming at Beamon behemoth .relationresultBerserk statedisappeared after Beamon was finally able to support the bottom ,output .Cry a cry .Huge body like a dumping ground for building .
Collapsed on the ground ,a sky of dust .relationresultText chapter two four eight trainer , relationresultTheunholy alliance game player will stay stunned for a moment ,suddenly issued a surprised world cheers ,this looks like a hill general Beamon behemoth .
They help people to kill ,in which each participating to the game player pool rises a strong sense of pride .Then there are some brag to my friends to talk .They have killed a Beamon beast !relationresultThetamers fell on the ground ,staggered to climb up .
He was found .He has been the unholy alliance were surrounded the game player .No pet trainer .Like a no minions tiger ,only being at the mercy of .relationresultaround .Nobody is allowed to sell ! Wind wild drink .
His voice is not resisted ,as the big three conference to president .Wind wild or have some momentum .relationresultTheguild members although do not understand what we wanted to do in the wild .
But the wind wild if they dare not ignore ,dare not have any doubts ,every one of them to the wind wild genuinely admire and respect .relationresultSeethere occur ,Xiao Yu know ,the turn their hand ,he and fall candy between game is not over .
Want, legendary equipment is important .But in the end more than a thirty grade aggrandizement elite ,to kill a level thirty aggrandizement elite .Such opportunities are few ,and only half an hour ,he and fall candy between competition ended .
Xiao Yudi kills than fall candy eleven more .Kill the beast tamer to gamble is .relationresultPut the cloak on . Wind wild news said to Xiao Yufa .relationresultAgame player came, trading to Xiao Yuyi cloak .
relationresultXiao Yu hesitated,wearing a cloak later although mobility .Not to fight, but capable of replacing a lot of trouble ,but also that the trainer has no teeth of the tiger, Xiao Yu no fear he will bite back .
Even if the waste a little time is worth it .relationresultTheunholy alliance game player who circled .Central is the ringmaster, trainer with panic face .He did not understand these unholy alliance game player who want to do something .
Why did not move against him .But he knows ,today he is dead .relationresultDon keep strength .Let them see your strength ,otherwise they wouldn convinced .relationresultThe wind field to the message of Xiao Yufa .
Wind wild will trainer experience value and the glory of the value to Xiao Royal ,is entirely personal thoughts ,the guild members surface can not say .Privately is sure to have opinions ,if Xiao Yu demonstrated enough strength .
Can make most of game player refuses to shut up .relationresultGood . Xiao Yuying Road ,to the unholy alliance game player central to the trainer to go .relationresultThegame player who received the wind field command .
Royal conceded to Shaw road .Xiao Yu went to the tamers to opposite .relationresultTheunholy alliance game player eye staring at the central land Xiao yu .relationresultXiaoYu wears a black cloak .
The unholy alliance game player don Xiao Yudi face .Guess Xiao Yudi identity .relationresultBecause ofthe existence of the cloak .Xiao Yudi identity became a mystery .relationresultThegame player who guessed the wind wild ideas ,wind field is to let the people get rid of the trainer ,the trainer experience and the glory of the value that this person is alone !Think of here .
To say they have no opinion of that is impossible .They worked hard to finish off Beamon behemoth .He left a piece of meat to the man, somewhat reconciled .relationresultIf the personis long wild words .
Their heart is convinced .After all, Beamon is president of the beast in under the command of it .President of the biggest merit .But this is not the president .relationresultWho is this man ? , relationresultDon ,may be a master in the guild .
, relationresultMaybe!relationresultIf a manalone killed the ringmaster, will get much experience and the glory of the value ?They found it hard to imagine .Can ,level thirty aggrandizement elite level higher than their lot .
Experience on the addition is very difficult to imagine .relationresultXiao Yu mustshow his absolute power .To make the game player who convinced .Avoid wind field because the trainer experience value and the glory of the value for yourself and become the arrow ,that his authority was affected by .
relationresultThe trainer with thirty thousand output, only one word .At least half an hour to kill ,President of the won wait here for half an hour . , relationresultYeah .The town there are many Angel alliance game player didn it .
If go late .He ran away . , relationresultBloodexcitation !relationresultXiao Yu opened theblood of excitation ,and then a bottle of rage potion, attack power increase to the full .relationresultSuddenly,Xiao Yu moved ,a dart near a tamer .
Sign a gouge .relationresultThe trainerwas a little fighting ,the equivalent of a live flesh target .Xiao Yu to attack it .Xiao Yuyao in a short period of time broke the highest killer .


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Can temporarily forget ache.

Lin Qi Yu and ash magma are pleased to arrive inside better position in cabin room, spreads good matting.

Is public to put food well, everybody opens a bottle of wine, Peng from blunt raise wine bottle, loudly say:"Everyone welcomes a light rain, ash head to join us these garbage, we are the persons who is thrown inside in the garbage heap, for the sake of the garbage, Gan cup!"

"For the sake of the garbage ……Gan cup!"The one wine bottle collision voice.

Lin Qi Yu is as in distress situation as ash magma, this phrase is used well, puzzling of became garbage.

Lin Qi Yu has never drunk, drank a , hot must keep admiring spirit.He says to the ash magma:"This wine how so difficult drink?"

Peng from blunt sit at nearby, Lin Qi Yu raises a wine bottle way:"Small brothers dare drink a bottle of wine with me?"

The person of surroundings also creates a big noise a way:"The thief of the star has no to drink of, the Peng eldest brother drinks with you, is can see you ……" public conflicting views, nothing but want Lin Qi Yu and Peng from the wine of Chong Gan.

Lin Qi Yu is after all young, drive an arouse some sink not to live spirit, and he doesn't know wine of severe, hence say:"Like, Gan cup!"His eyes looking at Peng from hurtle, want to see how he do.

Peng from Zhong tiny tiny on smiling, keep on facing upward and then infused a bottle of wine.These are 65 degrees of inferior burn wine, even if being the physical endowment that evolves, keeping on infusing like this is also wonderful.

It is public to applause to shout bravo, all see vision toward Lin Qi Yu.

Ash magma toward the side moved to move don't relate to with oneself by showing.

Lin Qi Yu raises wine bottle, ignore regardless of ground of keep on infusing, in a flash, is like one regiment fire to to belly burn from the mouth.

The one mouthful finishes drinking a bottle of wine, Lin Qi Yu didn't feel what variety, just feel burning sufferedly in belly.He admires one mouthful wine spirit, say with smile:"This wine is a little bit hot, also have no what greatly not of."

Only the ash magma knows Lin Qi Yu why not afraid wine, because he is a super evolution, the body very and strongly arrive the ability of forbiding, a bottle of burn wine to him just mere trifle.

The 2 people continuous Gan drops ten bottles of wine, the five bottles a person burns wine.Peng from blunt finally extremely capacity for liquor, a head of plants the last deep slumber at the ground pass by.Lin Qi Yu pours is drink last strength, he wreathed in smiles the ground carry wine bottle, beginning everywhere challenge.Because body too late absorption and excrete, he is being placed in now inebriate a not- gassed felling inside.

Lin Qi Yu says to Sun Xiao San:"Call Lu bushy beard, let him move a few wine again, I want to drink with everyone!"His words arouse public drink colourful.

Is very quick, the Lu bushy beard carries three metal boxes to walk to come in, he loudly way:"Who can drink ……and I the old Lu drink ……ha ha."He smiles eyes all the ether became 1 to sew.

The Lu bushy beard body breadth the body is fat, the weight foot is 300 kilograms, step voice walk, earthquake the grounds of cabin room be all vibrating.He a bottom sit at nearby, Lin Qi Yu imitates a heavy Gu cow of Buddha a head of to fall down in the ground.

Lin Qi Yu's in the mind ate one physique of this guy of being surprised, seeing and drank definitely and very serious.

The small track of Sun Xiao San:"Lu bushy beard is we drink here of first superior, you can have to be careful."

Lin Qi Yu is drinking excited, he is totally unconcerned ground of to say:", Bushy beard, small three say that you are the first to drink a superior, show me you have much severe ……"

Sun Xiao San feels to earn many money of Lin Qi Yu, the naturally should talk for him.He says:"Lu bushy beard, he and we the Peng eldest brother have already drunk ten bottles of wine, five bottles a person, you come to put together wine again now, he can suffer a los."

The Lu bushy beard opens wine and says:"Drinking to pay attention to one is happy,google, sissy isn't a he-man."He infused three bottles of five dog meat Gans that burn wine, start to grasp a cake of to fill into a mouth in a row and was eating and saying with smile:"I drink 5 bottles first, then we come again, province say I, the old Lu humiliates a person."

Public 1 coaxs to make, conflicting views ground Kua Lu the bushy beard is a hero good brave fellow.

Is immediately after two bottles of to burn the belly in wine, Lu heavy Zong son also the similar to Lin Qi Yu excitement get up, he to public crowded crowded eye, loudly way:"Come, for me chase a wine bottle row good ……brothers, do you say how to drink?"

Lin Qi Yu where know a star the thief drinks of rules, however he is good at to talk:"Old Lu ……you say how to drink how drink!"

This words are a , whole field sensation, who don't know that the Lu bushy beard is amount of sea.

A public eyes emit light ground to looking at, someone creates a big noise a way:"Old Lu ran into opponent this time."

The Lu bushy beard is happy the beards all unfold to open, he cheerily says:"Like, that drinks 123."

Lin Qi Yu didn't listen to understand and asked a way:"What 123?"

Sun Xiao San at part explanation way:"123, is the first-time Gan cup to drink 1 bottle, the cup of the Gan drinks for for the second time two bottles of, the third time is 3 bottles ……my mama ah, we all used a bowl before ……this time can impending."

The Lu bushy beard raises a wine bottle way:"123 ……Gan cup!"

Lin Qi Yu doesn't hestitate ground to raise wine bottle.He now brain inside very excited, basically control don't live oneself.

By leap and bound the 2 people Gan drops six bottles of wine of burning and see the owners Be all surprised to be getting more foolish.

Sun Xiao San Du Rang way:"Mama ah, can really drink, 11 bottles of burn wine, let me drink so much affirmative dead settle, ah, not to, if I didn't drink isn't too silly?"

Lin Qi Yu feels dizzy and giddy, body without intermission rock, however his in the mind still keeps one silk pure clear, that is to anyway can not get drunk.

Lu bushy beard in short time in connected to drink 11 bottles of wine of burning, though he can drink very much and also feel a bit dizzy, he knows that he drank too quickly.

The public beginning milli- endlessly and wildly drinks to over drink, only the ash magma still keeps awake, he also drink, but absolutely not much drink.

Lin Qi Yu's head is just a little dizzy a short moment, in the body Cu ability of under the rapid operation, that is tipsy to quickly fade away, not and in a short while he again the spirit Be getting more hundred percent.

Lu bushy beard always awake Lin Qi Yu, he discovers that Lin Qi Yu is in a short while just just a little blurred, close behind raises wine bottle to say:"Old Lu ……drink again 321, ha ha."

Lu bushy beard tiny tiny one Leng, immediately understood what is 321, the in the mind cans not helps a little bit cringing:It is six bottles of wine again.

He although the capacity for liquor is strange big, like this drink to also a little bit can not stand.Can he can not refuse Lin Qi Yu's proposal, this face anyway can not throw.He raises a wine bottle way:"Good!"

Didn't know as well to actually drink how much wine, end's connecting the ash magma not too drinking is also infused got drunk.

The only exception is Lin Qi Yu, by dint of is super to evolve the physique of, whenever he uses Cu to dissolve when definitely wanting is out of control tipsy, always pretty and till the last.

Lu bushy beard in the mind how all don't understand, this boy each time soon fall flop of time, can always again raise wine bottle.Afterwards he drinks must what also not knew, feels is getting blacker for a sky, the at present stars was more even many than the stars out of the battleship, immediately after lost all consciousness.

Looking at everywhere wine bottle and ground up lie of a group of persons, Lin Qi Yu is getting more silly, although he didn't inebriate,the chest and belly department burns very sufferedly.He literally sought a corner convenience for a while, felt heart Tu the Tu jump indiscriminately and all over deliver soft.He hurriedly sits down to quiet breath, adjust bodily status.

In a flash, three color Cus can quickly revolve.

Lin Qi Yu realizes this peace self-discipline of time different, Cu can the speed revolving obviously speed, a great deal of of the Cu can overflow from the chest, the whole cabin room one is bright.

The alcohol is also an energy of a kind of, the current action of Lin Qi Yu is to convert the alcohol as Cu ability, be like to convert food and nourishment as Cu to be similar, unique dissimilarity of is alcoholic active, so the speed converting is quickly strange.

He originally the Cu ability on the body is full of, in this way Cu ability of own quantity be expanded, became him surprised of result.

Until on the second day, everyone just continuously wake up.The Lu bushy beard loses admire sincerely to take orally, he counted for a while nearby of wine bottle, oneselfs all dare not believe and exactly drank 23 bottles of wine of burning.He embraces head to return to his own cabin room and continues to lie down a sleeping, the headache of hangover empress cans not help.

Drink through this, Lin Qi Yu is sweeping a set to establish a certain position, he almost can need not stem live.

Peng from blunt is very satisfied, this newly arrived under charge again rich again drink, particularly was a Gan to turn over a Lu bushy beard and let him feel that he have high social standing.

Lin Qi Yu has plenty of a free point, he usually buys some foods and thing for everyone to share, gradually, he more and more free, no one takes care of him dry what, in addition to

cnn verybody wants to lo

To there is any bar, if contain black Zhe of gold in rock, be like now so ……"

The piece of stone surface flicker point of departure on the her hand orders white glory, listens to one broken ring, that rock becomes powder to slide from her, the stars orders of white simply quickly coagulating in the center of palm of hand appear black metal of a soybean size not and in a short while.

Love Lin Nuo to say with smile:"Unexpectedly this piece of is rich mineral, you also come to try, generally can condense black Zhe of the gold of grain of rice size and then succeeded very much ……

"This your 3 people everybody wants to look for black Zhe of enough gold and creates a boundary knife, shape and function of boundary knife consider by himself/herself, and everybody's boundary knives can be different."

Refine black Zhe of gold to let like this 3 people to greatly open new vista.

Lin Qi Yu bends from the waist and picks up the rock of a piece of football size and cans explore into rock the Cu, immediately and clearly feel this inside in the rock what also have no.

He cautiously remembered the rock that the military instructor collects all of a sudden and seemed the rock of deep color.Back and forth walked several step, see the heap of rocks side of distance not to contain a piece of and nigrescent rock, he walked in the past and squatted down careful by the side of the rock observation.

This rock in fact isn't black, but deep brown, the foot contains wash basin size.He stretches hand to start to embrace and gives with two hands, the Cu can immediately flow out into piece of stone.

What Lin Qi Yu used is three color Cu ability, compare monochrome Cu ability of the advantage is to collect black Zhe of more golds.

This rock at obscure in change into powder, Lin Qi Yu clearly feels that the Cu can wrap up a lot of small things, his intention knows to direct a Cu ability, gold the black Zhe remits to get together.Not and in a short while, he successfully refines an a bit of gold black Zhe and only have green lentil sizes.

Right bower and department Tu good snow also refines a gold black Zhe smoothly.

Love the Lin Nuo satisfaction ground to say:"Like, your realization dint is all very good, continue to refine, remember, time wait we to leave, have to refine an enough gold black Zhe, I teach you how to create boundary knife, the academic association created boundary knife to also equal to learn a weapon creation ……your beginning, I speed up another ."

Take charge of good snow of Tu to arrive at Lin Qi Yu, say with smile:"Light rain shows me the gold that you refine black Zhe."

The right bower also gathered together to come over.Lin Qi Yu this just discovers black Zhe of the gold that their 2 people refines smaller, add didn't°yet he refines greatly.

He strange way:"Is this what is the row?"He spreads to hold black Zhe of gold of palm.

Big statures right bower strange way:" Refines than the military instructor of small a little, are you how to attain?"See black Zhe of the pitiful little gold in the oneself's palm, he cannot help but wanting Hao to call.Have to refine to enough create a gold of boundary knife black Zhe before military instructor requests walk, the hope for completing is too elusive.

Take charge of good snow of Tu to picked up that gold black Zhe from Lin Qi Yu, smile happily ground to say:"The light rain is really capable, this sends to me, Xi Xi."

She at ordinary times in a serious manner talk O.K., so sweet and charmingly on smiling, Lin Qi Yu can can not hold up against, his facial expression tiny tiny 1:"The snow elder sister needses and then takes to go to."

The big statures right bower says:"Good snow kid sister younger sister, aren't you bashful to take the thing of light rain?He is minimum ……"

Take charge of good snow of Tu to say with smile:"Stupid big statures, three color Cus can refine black Zhe of gold the quickest, the military instructors all uncertain peter leads, if he doesn't help, I affirm completion not task ……Xi Xi, big statures, since you are very able, that since departure bothers a light rain.Light rain, we walk!"She pulls Lin Qi Yu's hand and walks to the disorderly heap of rocks.

Lin Qi Yu is grasped by her small hand, immediately frighten into inaction, sparse inside carelessly follow her pass by.

The right bower sighs a tone way:"This dead wench too craftiness, hum, I not the letter could not refine enough gold black Zhe!"

The fourth day, Lin Qi Yu not only completed his/her own task, even department Tu the gold of good snow the black Zhe also had, also a little bit surplus some.

The big statures right bower is more hard, his Cu can not too suit to refine gold black Zhe.The red Cu can belong to explosion energy and use to refine black Zhe of gold very wasted, the only blue Cu ability is to the bestly refine energy, so take charge of Tu good snow still refined black Zhe of many golds according to the ability for depending on oneself afterwards.

The heavy statures right bower is becoming sad, Lin Qi Yu and department Tu is good snow one person gave him a piece of gold black Zhe, although isn't that heavy,plus he refines by himself of, enough create a boundary knife.

The right bower peeps out simple and honest smiling face, suppress along while just say:"Thank you, alas, I am empty to have whole body of strength, really have a headache to this just a little trifle, I like most of still to heart's content brawl, this trick suppressed to die me."

Lin Qi Yu inattentively says:"We are a squad of, the mutual help is as it should be, the right bower eldest brother feels at home."

Took charge of good snow of Tu to dress up as a grimace, said with smile:"Big statures affirmation scolded me two days ago ……was not the tall statures and yes?"She sarcastically smiles.

The right bower rocks a big hand and connects a track:"I don't dare to scold you …… you are …… E, I what didn't also say ……"

At this time, the distance spreads to love a roaring and shouting of Lin Nuo voice.

Take charge of a hurried way of good snow of Tu:"Is not good, the military instructor sent out alarm, we hurried pass by!"Her words just finished saying, a clear and crisp gun voice rang out.

Everyone became nervous, Lin Qi Yu drank a way:"We walk!"The place that he compete first rings toward the gun rushes.

Chapter 6 evolves dispute

3 people run about wildly all the way, the speed is strange quick.They haven't controled what technique, but only by dint of Cu ability of urge, 3 people's speed also ratio don't quick before evolving a lot of.

Steam lake F through thoroughly Gan He, the lake bottom becomes strong and tough, 3 people started to take while rushing big slice of of red dust.

Far and far see love Lin Nuo at and a person fight, Lin Qi Yu asks a way:"Whom is the military instructor beating with?"Do not wait someone to answer, the 3 people F ran to fight the spot.

Sees Han Bai Yuan pour on the ground, the fee pure Ping sits at his take one to stop bleeding a pack in the hand nearby, the Wu is on his chest and be stained with on her arm full blood, in the hot breeze F become purple black.

The Yan flies to raise a kinetic energy gun in the hand and indignantly stares at that stranger.

Take charge of good snow of Tu to run to the fee pure Ping to nearby ask a way:"How?"

Fee pure Ping soft-voiced way:"Do not know where came out guy, hurtled to come up and then harmed 100 Yuans, the military instructor went up interrogation, 2 people beat."

Take charge of good snow of Tu to raise head and look, surprised way:"BE walk alone!"She is a native of the place, know of the affair is also many,cnn, one eye's seeing that is what person.

In addition to Lin Qi Yu, the others are all very surprised.

The right bower is foolish for a while, say:"Good heavens, is this to walk alone?Hear to walk alone very badly, they own of strength and techniques are all outstanding."

Lin Qi Yu doesn't understand a way:"Walk alone is also a super evolution?"

Take charge of good snow of Tu to shake head a way:"Walk alone not necessarily is a super evolution, if since is walk alone again is super to evolve, it severe of the degree was hard to imagine, walked alone is the person who visits a small Cu of leaving the society to evolve by one's own.

"You see, this walks alone although isn't a super evolution, can and the military instructor fight into draw and love Lin Nuo the military instructor is the sky to come to."

Love Lin Nuo and walked alone the combat of to give Lin Qi Yu biggest stimulates, he knew someone for the first time need not Cu ability also ability thus severe.These 2 people's brawl techniques are too exciting, he sees dazzlingly, the in the mind admires not personal.

That walks alone to have a liking for to have 50 many year old, a bushy Zong bombs to almost block the whole face, a head of disgustingly dirty hair hangs shoulder and wears a skin Suo on hoop of forehead, the Shan in eyes wears ferocious ray of light and take an in the hand hardly see of metal alloy lance, imitate Buddha a wild beast that prepares to start an attack at any time.

He is dressed in a wild beast made of leather become of brown trousers, and Gao Yao Pi Xue of coarsenesses, the chest and belly crosses to tie up to round a skin Suo of brown and hangs a noodles metal alloy to protect a waist on the lower abdomen, up the body is naked, a deep brown of the skin coat throw at not the ground of distance up, stab a pretty flower line on the dark skin, cautiously distinguish, is the male eagle of a hover exhibition wings.

Very obviously he has never got into a super evolution row or column, completely can not tell that he makes use of Cu the evidence of ability.

Love the Lin Nuo whole body Shan dazzling white light, her in the mind very cut up rough, Han Bai Yuan just by accident bothered him, this person unexpectedly to Han Bai Yuan the cutthroat in pain.She once saw walk alone as well before, but had never engaged in fisticuffs with them, generally speaking walking alone couldn't attackstone other people on one's own initiative, she didn't understand this person why thus impervious to reason.

2 people fought very in a short while, the in the interval Yan flew to endure not

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Before the house, there are still on that big tree a lot of fruits of red date sizes.Lin Qi Yu with took off a grain of, using of caution life energy wraps up, the Yang hand flings out, an earthquake rings, and present persons all rocked body.

He suddenly way:"This trick as long as escaping from tree branch and then willing explode, have to bind to take off with the life energy, H'm, don't know that the line doesn't go like this?"He tries to leave the stem and branches that about 1 inch grows in the fruit picked and indeed as expected has never taken place to explode to ring.

4 people all know this trick of severe, need not Lin Qi Yu says more, everyone starts picking the fruit of treetop.Lin Qi Yu and fairy Ling has already kept thing space, can pick a great deal of fruit.

The cold diagram is harvessesing fruit and saying:"Being strange must very, if the fruit of treetop constantly explodes to open in a row, probably we can not resist ……" Lin Qi Yu wanted to think and said:"Not to, two grains of fruits explode to ring at the same time, I estimate to offset an impact of wave ……H'm, I to try."He takes off two grains of fruits, pulls stem and branches and throws to go out.2 after exploding ring public just just a little feel a bit unwell, completely have no just that suffered felling.

This treetop had a lot of fruits, cold diagram and east breeze to take off several ten then give up, they have no superfluous of the place deposit.Lin Qi Yu and fairy Ling's pouring is to pick a lot and used the motion of this trick interference living creature energy, to two of him, the its function as many as storm flows, this is also regarded as a peculiar weapon.

The cold diagram says:"We should walk and always feel this place very peculiar."He returns the kinetic energy cannon in the hand to Lin Qi Yu, that trick takes weight to be not light.

Lin Qi Yu this just stops, he also knows to here should not stay a long while, but leave him like this again unwilling, very not easy meet a person, what circumstances didn't understand and then walk, isn't opportunity to pass up.

He wanted to mean to say a way:"I feel that temporarily staying is better here, that strange woman will definitely come back ……H'm, calculate, let's still leave first!"His taste once swept to tumble down of house, feel still and walk well, ruin the other people's house not presentable son, if the true Dou gets up, oneself compares indefensible.

The fairy Ling Luo Luo says with smile:"H'm, is still a cleverness of elder brother, staying will definitely fight of, Xi Xi."Lin Qi Yu sighs a way:"Fighting me to pour isn't afraid, but under the circumstance of reason insufficiency, fighting me will be hand goes limp, that will suffer loss of, so still leave like."The east breeze has a path of flection after discovering the house, Lin Qi Yu says:" Along this path walk, probably can meet others."4 people along the path walks to, soon walk to an open and spacious big garden.

This garden is obviously what artificial builds, have no Gao Da Dun's tree to cover, the sunlight keeps shooting down, a riot of colour in the garden, bright brilliant, bloom of the fresh flowers hang a full head, the pleasant breeze kisses noodles, the strong fragrance of flower rushes toward noodles since then.

The fairy Ling surprise way:", How pretty spend!"She just wanted to toward garden run to, then drive Lin Qi Yu a pull:"The kid sister don't move, the plant here is too peculiar, see first a little bit clearer."The cold diagram also expresses consent and says:"That's right, the plant here is too strange.E, I have a little dizzy ……careful, this ……this ……fragrance of flower ……"he all over delivers soft sit to in the ground.

"Plop" is a , the east breeze falls off to fall from the air.Lin Qi Yu is in the moment a burst of to faint, the fairy Ling contains unclear paste ground to say:"…… The fragrance of flower here makes me lift disinclination ……" Lin Qi Yu also feels that the whole body has no strength, he slowly sits down and tries to get rid of the soft hemp feeling that the fragrance of flower brings with the life energy, the in the mind is unique to feel strange BE, oneself has never been like fairy Ling so, even can not remember clearly words.He says:"Is steady to live ……alas, we still kept walking into trap.""Ha ha, don't go!"Come out 8, 9 women from the flower bush, for head of is that woman who run away.

Lin Qi Yu finally pays to can not hold up, he hugs fairy Ling to slowly lie to pour, let her Fu is in own chest and looking at to walk comer quietly and in whisper say:"Kid sister, need not frightened, have me at ……need not afraid."In fact he didn't have confidence, was just subconscious ground comforter fairy Ling.

Hold a bunch of fresh flowers in that woman's hand, smile the ground of Ying Ying to walk to Lin Qi Yu before the body, lightly rock nosegay, say with smile:"Who would have thought that let my successful this time, Xi Xi."She squatted down a body and peeped out satisfied smiling face on the face.

Lin Qi Yu stares at that to cut off beautiful face, the in the mind can not help giving a shudder.The fragrance of flower of a burst of oddity is inheritted, he controls not to live any further, muddled sink ground to sleep.

Don't once know how long, Lin Qi Yu slowly waked up, he shuts a double the motion that the eye tries to inspect surroundings, but frightenedly discover that oneself can not make use of life energy.He fiercely opens an eye, discover that oneself sleeps at an open widely a bed up, cover a brocade on the body drive, a wisp of light fragrance of flower floats to spread in the air.

His title swept to see one eye, this was a house of liberality, the big bedside of carving is an ancient plain copper quality smoked censer, the green smoke is curling up in the air to rise.

He turns over a body to start to sit, discover oneself wore a small trousers Cha.He tries from kept to take a set of dress trousers in thing space, tried a few empresses self-effacing give up, if can not make use of life energy, that keep thing space and then can not open.He Yang track:

"Someone?Who at?"The wood door of carving is lightly pushed away, a looks walked to come in such as the beautiful and slender young girl of the painting.She says:"Ah, you come to, the empress orders …… , you wait a minute."She turned round and went out.

Lin Qi Yu shakes, he hasn't made understand this is what is the row, seem to can not tell that the other party has what malice, but why closed own life energy?

Not and in a short while, the young girl holds a plate to come in and puts a set of dress Shan in platter.She walks to the bedside and says with smile:"This is the dress for you trousers, you wait after wearing well!I take meal."Lin Qi Yu sees her letting go of tray to walk and quickly asking a way:"Where is my companion ?"The young girl says with smile:"Trust, they are all very safe, the empress once orders and forbade to hurt yours."She gentle and softly smiles and turns round to leave.

"What person is the empress ?Is the crary woman who sees that day?"Lin Qi Yu just a little ponders, the in the mind still keeps worrying fairy Ling their peace or chaoses, but thinks more not beneficial, he trembles to open once the dress trousers in the tray see, not from get wry smile, the style of this dress trousers is really too peculiar, feel to be like a set of full-length gown.

He in an awkward manner tossed about for a long time and with difficulty put on this set of dress trousers for reviving old customs.Still have the belt the jewel for waiting some odd pieceses on the tray, he doesn't know how wear just good.

The young girl carries a tray to come in again, puts one big bowl of noodles on the tray and also has four the color the small vegetables.She puts tray on the table and twists a head to see Lin Qi Yu, Leng for a while, "burst Chi" one smiled.Lin Qi Yu's appearance is very funny, his root can't wear the dress here Shan.

The young girl walks to come forward to, for Lin Qi Yu tidy up for a while, then again those decoration 11 put on for him, say with smile:"So like, Xi Xi, also pretty handsome."The affinity of this young girl is hundred percent, Lin Qi Yu is anti- to pour to puzzle, he cans not understands opponent to want to do what, say:"Thanks ……you call what name?That ……H'm, who is the empress ?Grasp our person?There is also my companion where?Can I see them?"He cannot help but asking a chain of questions.

The young girl is tiny tiny on smiling, say:"I call Die fragrant, Xi Xi, be smelt will faint of that kind of flower.Grasping that of yours isn't an empress, she is the temple lord that spends a temple, Xi Xi, your companions and your similar treatment, so need not worry!You are very quick and then meet noodles."She orderly answers one by one, rear and age don't agree with of well experienced maturity.

"Die joss-stick ……very beautiful name."Lin Qi Yu the easy to read Kua is great a , and then ask a way:"Die joss-stick, I want to see your empress, can notify a ?"Suddenly the Die joss-stick Shan wears big eyes of a pair of brightness, her outward appearance seems to be very innocent, but as for tone and tone that talk, but Be different from is a kid.She says:"You have a meal first ……the empress ordered, finished eating after meal and then can see her."Lin Qi Yu which have idea to have a meal,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj, however can not make the opponent seeing out of F the mind is not and rather.He smiles to nod a way:"Like, ate and then walk."Could not sit down for three minutes, he pluses a big bowl of noodles four kind the small vegetables eat cleanly

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Is totally different, kill E Mu easy to accomplish, real strenght like this, still have to be tall strong than them.

China dances Ya to excitedly dig an E the silver on the Mu head pit, walk to a prettiest of miss in front, say:"Send to you."

He this skill who don't also thought of, ask for those miss Xi the hip-hop admire to keep smiling.Someone pushed out that miss, 2 people face to face stood and gleamed intensely hot ray of light in eye.

China eagle soars to see dumbstruckly, he touches his own bare-headed and smiles to sigh a way:"Can not see clearly, the small Ya is unexpectedly also so bold, alas, I am getting older."

That miss generously once connects a silver pit, sweet girlish voice way:"I make the Peng love son and appreciate your gift, Xi Xi."She comes forwards and then pulls the arm that China dances Ya and nowise covers up endocentric joy.

If the Peng loves son shier, China's dancing Ya probably will be very bold, but, the miss here seems to be not to know what is shy, China dances Ya anti- pour the at a loss what to do of feeling.

Lin Qi Yu and fairy Ling 2 people steal to don't already smile, the fairy Ling calls a way:"The crow eldest brother encourages!"

China's dancing Ya is called by the fairy Ling have his face raddens all over, however who all see he is very happy.

Stone rain smoke eyes inside is tiny to show unintentionally just some little disappointment, say:"Welcome to explore the s town for sky, please!"She Teng body and rise, direct from the ground flies to in the city wall, those misses also smile happily of return one by one.

The in the mind surprise of Lin Qi Yu not is already, fly up a city wall and jumped from the city wall under is a different concept, the person here looks very remarkable.

The Peng loves son to lightly hold tight the arm that China dances Ya, sweet girlish voice way:"We also go up."She takes dizzy of the China dance Ya fly up city wall, Lin Qi Yu and fairy Ling immediately keeps up with.

China eagle soars and cold chart face reading Qu, 2 people wry smile a , China eagle soars a way:"I discover I really old, walk."His Ye wore cold diagram to fly up.

Fly up after the city wall, Lin Qi Yu discovers a strange affair, he asks a way:"Do you have no door here?"The city wall is 20th, up to a rice, an eye hopes go to continuous not unique, if have no door, the person here is affirmative will fly.

Stone rain smoke says:"There is no door in town in the sky."

An as if the ancient ground construct of fort, there is all no door, zero spread of distribute in the town in sky, big slice of of vacant land up, be suffused with light green light, the ground doesn't know is use what spreads to carve.

The of fort spreads densely a root metal Suo, numerous metal Suos lead to for a sky, the tallest building of town-big sword altar.Often someone is from metal Suo fly more but lead, the speed gets quickly to see a shadow.

Lin Qi Yu points at metal Suo to ask a way:"What is that ?"He the Fu body touched touch a metal Suo that extends in the city wall stone pillar, the energy motion of an oddity spread.

He mumbling way:"What energy is this ?"

China eagle soars to also stretch hand to try to try and shakes head a way:"Very peculiar energy feels very pure."

Stone rain smoke in the mind is dark surprised, these are their secrets, is that they hug a capable secret, incredibly a while drive this several personal detections.

She more and more feels curious,the mankind of federal evolve than them still quick?She considered a short moment and said:"This is our energy of New appointee use and call sky ability."

The strange way of Lin Qi Yu:"What?Ability in the sky?"

Stone rain smoke nods a way:"Is quite good, we call that it combine for sky granting of ability, canning with perfect human body."

"Are ability and human body perfect to combine?"

Several people of Lin Qi Yu are getting more shocked, this is than discover to evolve the original liquid still needs to make the people shocking news , in the galaxy, never yet discovers what energy can combine with perfect human body.

The cold diagram nervous successful feet all a little bit become numb, he asks a way:"How and be the human body perfect to combine?"

Stone rain smoke Jiao smiles 1 and says:"Certainly there is special condition."She stretches out a hand way:"I can feel you the energy for a while?"She has already seen, this several individuals all own 1 kind a few energies even, to her, this is also the very weird affair.

The fairy Ling jumps the gun and stretches hand to hold with her mutually.

Stone rain smoke eyebrows is tiny wrinkly, light tone way:"Very strange energy."

The fairy Ling also feels her energy motion and says:"Yi, what energy is this ?Is ability in the sky?"

2 people not from must smile.

Lin Qi Yu says:"How?"

The fairy Ling says:"I surpass description, elder brother, wait to have an opportunity find out energy of carry a body, we test again."

Stone rain smoke says:"The sky of the entry-level can contain in a kind of mineral stone, town in the sky is all a huge mineral area, have a day town on all big mineral veins, hang up an ancient star person Ji Yu of is a mineral stone like this, however, they always once failed."

"The ability mineral stone in sky of entry-level?Say so to there is also deluxe sky of ability mineral a stone?"

Lin Qi Yu's heart is violent to jump to move, he understands this to mean what.Xian Ling realizes his different, put out strength to hold his hand, Lin Qi Yu gradually calmed down.

Stone rain smoke smiles sweetly:"Be not, high class of sky ability nonexistent mineral stone inside."

China eagle soars, cold diagram and lead long Peng to love China of son hand dance the Ya all tightly stare at stone rain smoke, they also really pay attention to to this.

Lin Qi Yu packs a careless appearance and asks a way:", Does that where have?"

The stone rain smoke Luo Luo says with smile:"The younger brother of the younger brother, this can not say, unless ……" she the exceedingly fascinating and charming ground swept Lin Qi Yu's one eye and said:"Unless you join us."

Lin Qi Yu tiny tiny one Zheng, not too understand the meaning in stone rain smoke words.

Stone rain smoke no longer explains saying with smile:"Everyone a little bit waits for a second, I receive signal, in a short while hanging up an ancient star person will get here, you see first ……we are how to resist a star person who hang up the thou to take the offensives."

Cold diagram compete first way:"Good, we stay here."

Lin Qi Yu is also very curious, owning the person of ability in the sky will have what kind of strength, really hard imagination.

China eagle soars to nod a way:"Ha ha, interesting, we probably can do some help."

After three hours, the peculiar alert voice again rings out, the voice this time is obviously urgent many.

A way dark shadow passes metal Suo and quickly arrives at in the city wall.When hang up the big brigade of ancient star person rears from the even on-line ground, have already stood on the city wall full person.

Lin Qi Yu follows a city wall to hope to go, in the mind surprised pole, there are no a men, is all woman, and is uniformly of beautiful looks young woman, he feels that he arrives at a chemisette world.

The fairy Ling intuition is very dangerous here,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, the in the mind secretly whispers:"Is strange, which come to so many women?Hum, a look in the eyes is very strange, really dislike!"She involuntarily holds close Lin Qi Yu's arm and fears one loose hand, Lin Qi Yu flew.

The small voice of Lin Qi Yu asks a way:"How?"He discovers that the energy of fairy Ling undulates some abnormalities.

The fairy Ling shakes head a way:"Have no, nothing important."

The peal gradually rings out, several 100,000 hang up an ancient star person along the horizon, all over the place the sort flows out, an eye hopes not and in the end, the step voice makes the earth tremor, a pressure of invisible, open along with step voice proliferation.

The small track of Lin Qi Yu:"What a guy, What a grand view!"

The Jia collapses to in mind and wildly call:" Ah, the eldest brother is getting tooer many, I can can not stand."

The heart way of Lin Qi Yu:"Need not you begin, we observe first."

Stone rain smoke silently swept one eye, she discovered, this a few exploration expression self-composedly looking at to flow out come of hang up an ancient star person, seem to be not frightened at all, on Lin Qi Yu's corner of mouth, even still hang one silk smile.

Her in the mind secretly sighs and originally wants to frighten this several individuals and sees to don't frighten them.

She also doesn't know, this several individuals just be from hang up the place that the ancient star person lands to kill out.

Suddenly listen to a to clear and crisply bawl at:" Sword!"Orotund Ning but don't spread, as if the surprised thunder once rolled a city wall.

Lin Qi Yu sees appear one silvery heavy sword of chasing in stone rain smoke hand, he is suddenly understand, these people all have already kept thing space, otherwise isn't likely to change a chase one person high of heavy sword, in the mind not from get oddness, these coy beautiful looks miss, does the Lun wear heavy sword to fight a star person who hang up the thou?Feel really absurd.

"Defendoof wall to open!"

Metal Suo 剎 that sends out dazzling ray of light, the city wall also sends out light green light.

Lin Qi Yu can clearly feel from metal Suo and spread toward the energy of city wall, the huge energy flows out the person who stands toward the city wall at the same time and seems to have the device to accept energy on their body, and the heavy swords in the everybody's hand gleam a sting purpose glory.

Because several people of Lin Qi Yu all have their own life turns, that energy after running into the life turn immediately spreads out.

Stone rain smoke finally discovers the face of several people of Lin Qi Yu up of surprised permit

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, Just scooped out six meters.

Lin Qi Yu says:"Step aside, I come to try."

He takes out long pike and aims at crack to flick to go, together red long grass flash across, listens to the effect that a burst of"Pa Pa" ring indiscriminately, split into pieces the best and immediately appears a crack on the rock.

In a row after more than ten times wield long pike, Lin Qi Yu says:"Is quick!Continue to dig!"

A few ice Long Wei dashes up, the rock has already been split into pieces, they are light loose ground of to continue excavation the bottom go, after several minutes open this to lead wall, appear a not big space.

Lin Qi Yu urgently can not need ground to step into and take out start in the star door, adjust a good coordinates and say to Long Wei of ice:"Go in to try."

That ice Long Wei steps into a star door and then disappears to disappear.

The happy way of Lin Qi Yu:"Ah, finally."The product that he will need tells ice Long Wei, again way:"Send 10,000 robots that exclusively collect a product."

Use ice Long Wei collect a product too wasted, also only have him just willing to give up so use.

After Lin Qi Yu comes out, all ice Long Wei and lion Weis all have been already arrived to and closely arranges cliff up, carry in each intelligence warrior hand- the fold type is heavy pack of, in fill up to collect of thing.

Lin Qi Yu says:"You put the thing in the hand into a star door, then wait for on the cliff."

Is a , the fetter of specially made is developed to spread to deliver, there are also large numbers of excavation robots.

Lin Qi Yu is in command of ice Long Wei fix a fetter, numerous fetters nail on the stone wall and collect into a bulky huge Suo and still button up several hundreds of long Suos on the huge Suo.

Each long Suos has 20 ice Long Wei to lead and forms a huge resultant force, the end of rope is a bulky metal alloy wreath, top but full close wood grain, form the text of a wreath form decoration protection.

The satisfaction ground of Lin Qi Yu looking at huge Suo and wishes:"This time should be able to fly in the void Chuang to pull up come, ah, whether exaggerate too much, ignore, save a person important."

He issues order to let all ice Long Wei closely keeps watch on light pillar surface, once appearing variety to immediately notify him.

Collect robot just spread out in a little while, the Chuang flies in the void to again explore to make moves arm, a few ice Long Wei the detection dash up behind, an among those the surface that a little bit touch light pillar, wink drive inhale among them, even struggle all too late.

Lin Qi Yu drinks a way:"Forbid contact only pillar, pull him quickly!"

Ice Long Wei difficultly flies in the void a Chuang to pull up half body and chase the specially made metal alloy of huge Suo top the set is on him, the one of Lin Qi Yu makes bottom, all ice Long Wei drags along Ye together, Lin Qi Yu also comes forward a help.

The vacuum force of light pillar is very and astonishing, the Chuang flies in the void of the body be made longer about ten meters, this guy loudly roars and try very hard to outwardly struggle.

Lin Qi Yu's fright not is already, connect him at inside, plus thousand several ice Long Wei and lion Wei, unexpectedly still so exhausting, that huge dint even if settle a rock mountain, also the is lifted to turn over.

The specially made metal alloy wreath sends out the sound of "split mile Pa", Lin Qi Yu is greatly hasty, drink a way:"Go up two ice Long Wei!"

Two ice feet dish of Long Wei Shuang stretches out a pair of arms to embrace a Chuang to fly in the void on the huge Suo, a part of pressures immediately transfer in two Human bodies.Also the not so bad intelligence warrior is fierce to stand in no fear of dead, 2 people die to embrace a Chuang to fly in the void not to put and a little bit eased pulling of some metal alloy wreath dint.

The Chuang flew in the void to just have already could not said words and by this time slowly led an one breath on the whole, hasty way:"In a moment that I come out ……you have to notice dodge!Lin Qi Yu, you don't want to participate and fly up quickly!Hurry!"

Although Lin Qi Yu ignores to solve the meaning that the Chuang flies in the void, but he is obedient, immediately answer a way:"At the time that you came out, I would step aside!"

The Chuang flies in the void to drink a way:"Is now!Walk quickly!"

Lin Qi Yu has to loose hand to fly upward.Listens to one explode to ring, Chuang's flying in the void is pulled out, at the same time also light pillar inside as if the substantial energy took out, energy as if the fountain generally rush to flow out but.

The dazzling flashlight shines and stab Lin Qi Yu shut eyes, a strength dint from surge forward under, he sped upward flying speed and transfered to rise whole body of defense, unwillingly resist the impact of energy, dissolve this terrible strength dint.

He this just understands a Chuang to fly in the void why want to make he leave, if still stay at first, might get hurt very much.

Lin Qi Yu turns around to fly downward to, suddenly, he stops next hang in the sky, mutely looking at an underneath.The energy gushes unexpectedly thus terrible, really don't know that the Chuang flies in the void is how at in exist.

Huge Suo's being like is pulled to keep-sort, straightly stretch surface toward the light pillar, conjunction of thin Suo up hang very thick crystal, that is what the energy impact is behind leave, the ice-cubes that is like coagulation is similar.

Still hang some ices that too late stay back on the thin Suo Long Wei, also hang very thick crystal on the body, they completely lost vitality, drive energy thoroughly the shot ruin.

Spread all over the stone wall of crystal be rushed out a huge hole, many ground crack of ice Long Wei be imbed stone wall, intact have no Sun of only the Chuang fly in the void a , he has already become person's form and foolishly stares at only pillar, not know is just thinking what.

Only is an energy eruption, Lin Qi Yu lost nearly 2,000 ice Long Wei, however can the extrication Chuang fly in the void, is a heavy price again, he is also not concerned.

Lead for a long time, Lin Qi Yu just ask a way:"At in of how feel?"

The Chuang flies in the void not to answer and shuts eyes to seem to be in the aftertaste, lead for a long time, he just give a deep sigh a way:"I still differed 1:00, for so some margin, make me can not continue to stay at in, regrettable, regrettable."

Lin Qi Yu feels that the Chuang flies in the void and has a little before different and gave people the oppression feeling of a kind of oddity, particularly was that he is silent language not of time, that kind of made choking felling of people specially strong.

Lin Qi Yu says:"There isn't small result, I feel that you have a little different, should break bottleneck, congratulations!Congratulate!"

The Chuang flies in the void to say:"The bottleneck is to break, but also loses- time opportunity, just almost …… a little …… good heavens, I can break to go out …… regrettable, regrettable ……"

He is absolutely roaring.

Led in a short while, he stretched hand the shoulder of clapping Lin Qi Yu and said:"Lin Qi Yu don't be strange, I wait this a moment to wait too long, H'm, later ……I right here Qian after fixing and waiting to have confidence,google, will again go in, till then wait ……I will notify you, you come to help me again."

Lin Qi's raindrop nods and says:"I definitely come, ha ha, however ……I still need to ask ……in exactly have what?How to feel?"

The Chuang flies in the void to peep out uncanny smiling face and says:"Ha ha, can not say, can not share, either, you get you to go in an experience ……can tell your BE, so of only the pillar is in the well world not this, should have a lot of just to, it is in the whole world the passage that links world, exchange of energy.

"I can exist at in, but the energy of beyond control inside, so have to come out first ……if not that you are in the outside, I may be penned at in, by luck, by luck."

Lin Qi Yu in distress situationly looking at a Chuang to fly in the void, wry smile way:"What don't say as well, all right, I want to re- go out experience and training ……be like you to break bottleneck like this, I still can not do it ……only do it slowly."

The Chuang flies in the void to say:"Do not be frustrated, give you how many good east two, ha ha, light baby in the pillar is many, last time accepted for your soul stone like?I still take out to many babies, Hey Hey, to me the use isn't big, give you and fairy Ling kid sister, you slowly study."

Lin Qi Yu asks a way:"What baby?"

Chapter 2 Yu plentiful plain(up)

Seven pieces of radiant and extremely keen rocks, a cake ofs all have egg size each time.The Chuang flies in the void to say with smile:"This is the high-quality soul stone."

Connect Zhao, he takes out the egg stone in two pieces of blacks again and says:"These two pieces of rocks don't know is what things, at light pillar 裏…… it can let the energy produce significant motion, I am almost harmed dead by this runt, O.K. kept thing space 裏 by the income, otherwise bothered."

Lin Qi Yu doesn't have special felling to seven pieces of soul stones, to the egg stone in two pieces of blacks but have much of interest, because these two pieces of fists the greatly black egg stone is central, have- dark red of a little bit small, the eye pupil that is like a wild beast is general.

He play Zhao two pieces of rocks, say:"Very strange motion, not and cautiously realizing absolutely can not discover …… incredibly can arouse energy significant motion, interesting ……"

The Chuang flies in the void to say:"Like, you slowly study, I seek a place ……"

Lin Qi Yu stretches hand to block him and says:"I have